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`ec2 describe-images` Returns No Results For Ubuntu 24.04 EC2 AMI's

When using the following command aws ec2 describe-images \ --owners amazon \ --filters "Name=name,Values=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-*" \ --query 'Images[*].[ImageLocation]' | grep &...
AlexLordThorsen's user avatar
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Trying to run opensearch and opensearch Dashboard but facing login issue

I am trying to run opensearch and opensearch Dashboard on local using docker but i am facing login issue in opensource dashboard "Invalid username or password. Please try again." i am using ...
pritam pawar's user avatar
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My Bitbucket pipeline fails on the CodeDeploy step (deploying to EC2 instance)

AWS newbie here. I'm working on my first Bitbucket pipeline to deploy to AWS. It has three steps: Zip up the project files Upload to an AWS S3 Bucket Use CodeDeploy to deploy the application files to ...
Yossi G.'s user avatar
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How to use Python Lambda for batch creation of AWS Secrets?

I'm working on a Backup & Restore test for AWS Secrets, where I need to create around 1000 secrets from the backup JSON file. I've written a Python Lambda function, but it’s only partially ...
Ravichandran's user avatar
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Traceroute to S3 bucket error Cannot handle "host" cmdline arg

When performing traceroute to a publicly accessible S3 endpoint i get the following error when using the hostname : h-5.2$ sudo traceroute -n -T -p 443 https://demos3bucket975050090184.s3.amazonaws....
tab4593's user avatar
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Oracle APEX wwv_flow.accept call yielding 403 forbidden when using AWS ELB

We have an Oracle APEX application hosted on two EC2 instances, with an AWS application load balancer, with "Sticky Sessions" enabled. The APEX application works fine 99% of the time, but ...
Mark Stewart's user avatar
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AWS DMS running out of memory

I'm getting an out of memory error in DMS, for a table that's 8gb. I'm using the smallest server available, with just 1gb of memory, but was hoping it could iteratively load the table and therefore ...
Wev's user avatar
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CloudFront charges after you invalidate your distribution over 1,000 times, does the count reset each month?

If the amount of invalidations you've created exceed 1,000, CloudFront begins to charge one money for each subsequent invalidation. Does your invalidation count reset each month, or does it continue ...
Jorge Velasquez's user avatar
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Angular OIDC Auth Client Logout from multiple tabs

Working with Angular and AWS Cognito. I want to logout from all the active tabs of the browser. Using angular-auth-oidc-client for auth config. Added the below code in app.module.ts to use ...
Gnik's user avatar
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How to assume an AWS role from a pull request job? What sub value should be used?

I'm using github actions, and I need to assume an AWS role from a job triggered by a pull request event. I'm using the configure-aws-credentials action, and my OIDC provider and AWS roles are already ...
totooooo's user avatar
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private dns resolving across different aws accounts [closed]

Title: Access Private DNS of Internal ALB and RDS Across AWS Accounts Without Network Connectivity Body: I have a setup with two AWS accounts: Account-A and Account-B. In Account-A: I have a private ...
Goural's user avatar
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AWS CloudWatch Log filter for key words

I have logs being sent to AWS CloudWatch from ECS tasks that are running a Python script in a container. Every now and then, an Exception occurs where I'd like to get an error email for them. I have a ...
Joseph Quinn's user avatar
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Process automatically pause in AWS EC2 instance which is free

I am running a python project which will accept an image from different application through api and then my project will process that image and send the response back but sometimes the project ...
Fire iest's user avatar
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"Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk'\nRequire stack:\n- /var/task/index.js\n- /var/runtime/index.mjs" despite me adding a dependency to the sdk

I have upgraded my nodejs runtime on my lamdba function today from 10x (very outdated I realise) to 18x and I am getting the following error: "Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk'\nRequire stack:\...
FrontPageRob's user avatar
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i am not able to get session token in aws cli

I am running the below command in awc cli aws sts get-session-token --serial-number arn:aws:I am::<Account>:mfa/**** --token-code <MFA CODE> every time I am getting this response An error ...
Nikul Panchal's user avatar

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