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How to load a gz file for a CNN model in Python?

Been trying to test an image classification CNN model on Python (using Python 3.11.8) with VS Code as my editor. Whenever I tried to run the file, it gives me this error: Traceback (most ...
Luis Cruz's user avatar
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Problems loading a model saved in .h5 after upgrading Tensorflow from 2.15.0 to 2.17.0

I created an LSTM model with the tensorflow library version 2.15.0. I now have to use the model created in a new project, but in this project I have to use all the updated libraries and also the last ...
Alessandro Chiari's user avatar
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Multi Output Classification - Outputs not making sense relative to one another [closed]

Let's say I have a Multi Output Binary Classification Problem, but where the classes are related. i.e if one class = 1, then the other must = 1. The standard is to have 2 output layers, each with 1 ...
the man's user avatar
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ValueError: Invalid dtype: complex64 when using get_melspectrogram_layer in Kapre

I'm trying to use the get_melspectrogram_layer from the Kapre library in a Keras model. However, I'm encountering the following error: ValueError: Exception encountered when calling ...
David Kinyanjui's user avatar
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no attribute "get_shape" on custom objects in model

I am encountering an error when trying to load a Keras model with custom objects. The error message is: AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'get_shape' This occurs in the following ...
kwcool's user avatar
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How do I use MobileNetV2 model to use gray scale images

I am using the MobileNetV2 model as my base model, but I added 5 new trainable layers and I'm re-training it on two new categories: monkeypox positive and monkeypox negative. The monkeypox negative ...
Saketh Nandam's user avatar
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transformers No module named 'keras.engine'

I have transformers 4.25.1 and Keras 3.4.1 with Python 3.9 under Windows. permutation_importance uses transformers\utils\ which produces: line 1095, in _get_module raise ...
Nick's user avatar
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gradient becomes none after apply mask on trainable variable

When I implement the following code, gradient of x becomes none after apply mask on trainable variable. After removed the mask the gradient is able to be calculated. I am wondering what the reason of ...
Tian Lan's user avatar
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How do I connect CNN layers to an LSTM layer in Keras? [closed]

I’m trying to build a model in Keras that uses CNN layers to extract features from images and then uses an LSTM layer to process the sequence of features. How should I reshape the output of the CNN ...
Utsav Singhal's user avatar
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Simple Gradient Descent in Python vs Keras

I am practicing neural networks by building my own in notebooks. I am trying to check my model against an equivalent model in Keras. My model seems to work the same as other simple coded neural ...
AdamS's user avatar
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Gradients do not exist (keras-tcn)

If I execute the code at the buttom I get the following warning: Gradients do not exist for variables ['kernel', 'bias'] when minimizing the loss. If using model.compile(), did you forget to provide a ...
xxxyyy's user avatar
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How to take into account the image mask in a CNN model?

I am building a regression model using convolutional neural networks (with tensorflow + keras). My images are not rectangular, that is, there are areas of the image with data and others with null ...
f4gm's user avatar
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Use similar np.where function in custom Keras loss function

I'm trying to create a custom loss function that calculates the total amount won based on the predictions, actual outcome of games and the odds for the home team to win. Currently, I've gotten so far ...
KaiHoogenhoud's user avatar
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2n epochs are skipping while training ResNet model

Epochs that are multiples of 2 are finishing very quickly. I don’t think my model is being trained. I'm using tensorflow keras to train my model. I am using colab environment. Here is the results of ...
yedksapka's user avatar
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Error ParallelMapDatasetV2 when trying to predict a model using Keras

I'm trying to train a simple classification model using Keras that works with text and has two output classification: 0 or 1. I transformed my text data using TfidVectorizer() from SKlearn and ...
Renato Teixeira's user avatar

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