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mootools group checkbox return values

How can I return selected checkboxes values from mootools class: Mootools class: var CheckboxGroup = new Class({ Implements: Events, initialize: function(master, slaves) { this....
XTRUST.ORG's user avatar
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el Child in each function

I have a questions. I search for a solution for these. Wanna use el with child function. But didn't work sofar. If i clear the el it works but then i have all elements class last. Mootools Script $$...
user1898361's user avatar
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Is there a way to search for attributes that start with a certain string in HTML

Is there a way to find all the elements with attributes that start with a particular string? I am using Mootools framework and this is what I have tried: $$('*[data-media-*]'); But it just outputs ...
jnbdz's user avatar
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How to trigger an event in Mootools for a specific tag/element with a specific element ID?

How to trigger an event in Mootools for a specific tag/element with a specific element ID? I have this: <a href="youtube-clip...etc" rel="rokbox" id="video_popup" style="display: none;">Video&...
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Mootools 1.3.1: Selector for parent (id) > child

I am currently working on a mootools 1.3.1 script and have a structure like this: <div id="100"> <img src=""> </div> I know already the selector $$('div.class img') but how does it ...
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How to inject an image inside a div using its class as selector

I cant get this to work, I want to create a new element DIV with id = item and class = item+variable, like this: <div id="item" class="item1"></div> and then inject an image inside by ...
Thaiscorpion's user avatar
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mootools css multiple attributes

I am trying to match in Mootools [version 1.11] a multiple CSS attribute as in this element: <input type="radio" value="dev" name="radio_server"> I would like to match this element that has ...
dawez's user avatar
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Selecting a pattern within HTML with jQuery

I'm trying to convert an old Tips plugin from Mootools to jQuery: Everything's in working order, except I'm having trouble re-styling the value of the ...
Jay's user avatar
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Remove CSS selectors and it's related properties if needed

I am trying to remove specific CSS selectors, and if there is no more selectors for a list of properties than the script removes it... I was able to get a part of the script working: http://jsfiddle....
jnbdz's user avatar
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Mootools selector trouble

I have this html: <div id="link-thumbs-list"> <img src="image.php?f=;h=72&amp;w=128" /> <img src="image.php?f=
Ste's user avatar
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How to get a collection of input elements by name attribute

I've got a form which looks like that: <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return new_post_form_submit();"> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="addPost"> ...
Piotr Salaciak's user avatar
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selecting pseudo-elements with mootools

Using MooTools,is it possible to select elements generated using the css pseudo-selectors ':before' and ':after'? Specifically, I'm defining the element below, and trying to adjust its height with ...
sslepian's user avatar
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MooTools: Attaching event to multiple elements

I've got a jQuery routine I need to convert to MooTools, but I can't get it to work. Here's my jQuery version: $(".google-analytics-link").click(function () { var href = $(this).attr("href"); ...
foobarbarfoo's user avatar
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Getting all visible elements using MooTools

I am moving from jQuery to MooTools (for the fun..) and I have this line of code : $subMenus = $headMenu.find('li ul.sub_menu:visible'); How I can write this in mootools? I know that I can use ...
Yosi's user avatar
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Mootools wildcard selector

How can I select all elements whose IDs start with "row_", for example "row_223425" and "row_at264" etc.? What I am ultimately trying to do is give a background colour to each even .productWrapper ...
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