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Difference between INPUT_GET and INPUT_POST

I have this line of code in my php file where I am have a question regarding the line of code. What would be the difference if I did this to verify my date variable? Retrieve.php $firstDate = ...
uzzum07's user avatar
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Get image url from mysql using mootools

I'm trying to search a mysql database (made in phpMyAdmin) with a form, with the result updating an image. The database consists of 2 columns, ID (auto-incrementing primary key) and Image (url/path to ...
Babar Shariff's user avatar
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insert span tag in li tag when active tab

I have gk5 tabs extensions joomla when the tab is active with motools insert "active" to class of li like this: <li data-animation="default" class="gkTab gkTabs-1 active "> ...
HamidZ's user avatar
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mootools form json post request

i want to to a request.JSON on a dynamic form. is it possible to POST the complete form via a form id ? <table> <form id="form"> <tr> <td>username</td&...
Roby's user avatar
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onclick not working on <li>

I am trying to get it so that when a specific <li> is clicked, an image is displayed on the same page. Below is the code that determines which images to use. It seems to work fine, but I am ...
Christopher Hinstorff's user avatar
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Drag Drop and Save as image in PHP using Jquery

I Have been Searching for Dragging and Dropping Image in a particular DIV and then Saving that Area as an image, But no clue yet so far, I had found something like this. But unable to edit or make ...
user950014's user avatar
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Dynamic change of the class of an HTML element not working effectively

I've written an HTML page that contains a form. The form is checked by a PHP page by having at the beginning of the HTML page : <script type="text/javascript" src="js/mootools/core.js"></...
Bruno's user avatar
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Problem with Mootools Ajax request and submitting a form

I have a table with content comming from a database. Now i tryed to realize a way to (a) delete rows from the table (b) edit the content of the row "on the fly". (a) is working perfectly (b) ...
Arwed's user avatar
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Auto refresh using xajax (and MooTools?)

For the purpose of testing (and making this question simpler) I have been using xajax to output a random number into a DIV on the page. $output=rand(20,40); $ajax_resp->assign('container','...
Jared's user avatar
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Create row ID for dynamic JS Table

I have working script that the user completes inputs on a form and when they submit the form and the content of the form inputs are entered as a table row. Is there any way of, I think within the JS ...
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