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Wordpress Woodmart theme [closed]

enter image description hereI’m currently working with the WoodMart theme and facing an issue with displaying product attributes. I’ve saved a product as a simple product and added an attribute called ...
Saad Ali's user avatar
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2 answers

Display specific products Attibute value in custom page woocommerce

I am trying to show specific attribute value in custom page and how i can show it Alphabatically <?php $query = new WP_Query($args); $products_by_attribute = array(); // To hold products grouped by ...
jogin shar's user avatar
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Gravity forms custom posts add product attributes

I am using gravity forms for users to add products to WooCommerce. I have it pretty much working the way I want. However, I need to add attributes to products. How do I make a field that will add to ...
Salvador Gonzalez Jr's user avatar
-1 votes
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Change displayed Variable Product Attributes on WooCommerce Shop Page

I found some code that show variable product attributes on WooCommerce shop page: /** * Replace add to cart button in the loop. */ function iconic_change_loop_add_to_cart() { remove_action( '...
Shami Asad's user avatar
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Use different displayed product attribute label name, based on custom fields in WooCommerce

In WooCommerce, I defined added/defined some product attributes with their names, and I wrote some code that should allow me to define alternative attribute label names at variable product level. So ...
IvanG's user avatar
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Delete unused variations after deselecting attribute values

I have two attributes in my variable products: number of pages language combination When I deselect specific attributes, the corresponding variations keep existing and are not deleted (in the ...
perlfan's user avatar
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How to get the product attribute value from an attribute with Cyrillic characters in WooCommerce

I try to get product attribute's value and show it on single product page, but I don't understand, how to get attribute's value if it was created not in attributes section of WooCommerce, but was ...
Kiyik's user avatar
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Hide WooCommerce shipping methods based on product attributes not used for variations

In my WooCommerce web site, each product has four product attributes (Size, Color, Season and Brand). The attributes Size and Color are used for variations, while Season and Brand are not used for ...
Luca Moschetta's user avatar
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Get WooCommerce product attribute value from Order item

Read attribute content of a product. I am including within the JSON of the order that is being processed in WooCommerce the value of the attribute of the product that is being processed, I have ...
teclesoft's user avatar
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Magento 2 cron job catalog_product_attribute_value_synchronize

I am trying to work out what the cron job "catalog_product_attribute_value_synchronize" actually does. It seems to run the following class: "WebsiteAttributesSynchronizer" Doing ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Add attribute to product price suffix in woocommerce

I'm looking for a way to display attribute in price suffix. Snippet works fine on the frontend. But it gives an error while searching for product in the backend. Snippet: add_filter( '...
tozbey's user avatar
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Magento admin is only showing 2 custom attributes on product admin page, new attributes I've created don't display

A few months ago when I first started setting up this Magento 2 site I created the custom product attributes "size" and "style" in Magento Admin-- everything worked fine and ...
jeaneen gauthier's user avatar
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3 answers

Check the Woocommerce Product Attribute on Archive Page and do something

On my Woocommerce site, I have 2 different product attributes (artist and type). I want to execute some code when on a attribute archive page containing one of those attributes and their value. For ...
Denny's user avatar
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dataframe transformation python products atrributes values

I have an excel file with products like this below. Is it possible to align the same kind of attributes to same column using python? I have this category name 1 2 3 4 5 6 board games board game 1 ...
Ioanna Aspasia Argyrou's user avatar
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Save a new attribute taxonomy in Woocommerce

i've register new column in woocommerce_attribute taxonomies, and i want to save my custom field to my new column, i'm using woocommerce_after_edit_attribute_fields hook to display an input and ...
OxO0000's user avatar
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