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Exclude products with specific metadata from WooCommerce recent products widget

I am currently trying to exclude specific products from the WooCommerce recent products widget. Specifically, I want to prevent products with specific metadata from being displayed: Meta key ...
yosukesuzuki's user avatar
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Interlink WooCommerce products between them for cross sells settings

In WooCommerce, I would like: if Product A is added in the cross/upsells of Product B, then Product B should also automatically be added in the cross/upsells of Product A. if Product A is removed ...
Jeriss Cloud Center's user avatar
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Redirection to cart or checkout issue on add to cart for WooCommerce single product pages

I am facing 2 issues with my WordPress WooCommerce website: On single product pages, when I add a product to cart, it stays on the same page, instead of redirecting to cart or checkout page. From ...
Md Faiyaj's user avatar
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Custom Mini-Cart including a products slider with Add To Cart issues

I'm doing some customisation to the mini-cart. When a user adds a product to the cart, inside the mini-cart I'm creating a slider containing the added product's cross-sales. So for example, user adds ...
noob.js's user avatar
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Allow Free shipping based on shippable items minimal subtotal with progress bar

I would like to separate different output conditions, by using a snippet that filter price total amount and product type. I edited the code from a previous answer to my question by adding some ...
Marco Crisgod's user avatar
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How can change PRODUCT_NAME to a language other than English in xcode?

I'm making a macOS program. I'm trying to change the launcher icon name to Korean. So I went into BuildSetting and changed the Product Name to Korean, but the build failed. BundleDisplayName and ...
전병훈's user avatar
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Wordpress Woodmart theme [closed]

enter image description hereI’m currently working with the WoodMart theme and facing an issue with displaying product attributes. I’ve saved a product as a simple product and added an attribute called ...
Saad Ali's user avatar
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Allow Free shipping If there is only a specific product type or if subtotal reaches a minimal amout

I have a script that create a progress bar to show "Spend another XX € for free shipping!" based on a minimal amount to be spent, but I would like to avoid this text if there are ONLY ...
Marco Crisgod's user avatar
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Product Add On Price Not Showing In Cart/Checkout [closed]

I’m experiencing an issue where the product base price and cart total are not updating correctly with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons. The totals do not reflect the add-on prices. Could you please ...
W.A.S Jayalath's user avatar
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Display specific products Attibute value in custom page woocommerce

I am trying to show specific attribute value in custom page and how i can show it Alphabatically <?php $query = new WP_Query($args); $products_by_attribute = array(); // To hold products grouped by ...
jogin shar's user avatar
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Many To Many Product and Categories

so i have a many to many relationship data about categories and product here the table -- public.product definition -- Drop table -- DROP TABLE public.product; CREATE TABLE public.product ( id ...
Frentzen Chan's user avatar
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Automatically update the slug of a product when the title of the product is updated [closed]

I want to automatically update the slug of a product when its product title is updated. I read on some posts that wp_update_post would probably be the best option to start with. I also tried the code ...
Jeriss Cloud Center's user avatar
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Get Woocommerce products by name and category with wc_get_products()

I have a very simple WooCommerce Product Query - I need one product by name having specific category id. $args = array( 'status' => 'publish', // Only published products 'return' =&...
Ivomasterche's user avatar
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Woocommerce admin search multiple product names

I'm wanting to search for multiple products in Woocommerce at once. So instead of searching one by one, I would like to type in a list of products separated by a comma or something similar. I found ...
LET DesignWorks's user avatar
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Get products by attribute in WooCommerce [duplicate]

I have products with many attributes. Attribute values can be size,color,... . I am trying to create a custom search but I can't get the query to pull any product. $product_attributes = ...
Ahmad Reza Hajizadeh's user avatar

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