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Unable to dockerize a RStudio Shiny project, error with package rgdal

I am trying to dockerize a shiny project and am having getting an error when running the docker image: Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rgdal’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): ...
kevinewing's user avatar
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Cannot open shapefile from inputfile with leaflet

I would like to do the task of: input a shapefile from my computer open it with leaflet or mapview. But I am getting the message "Warning: Error in ogrListLayers: Cannot open data source" ...
understorey's user avatar
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Loading rgdal library on fails

I am trying to deploy an R shiny webapp to their hosted services shinyapps. This app works with geojson data in the form of spatial polygons. The app does work fine locally. When I deploy it, ...
q-bit's user avatar
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579 views cannot load rgdal package

I have a shiny app that is working locally, that loads several packages, including rgdal, which is installed locally on my MacOS. When I deploy it on server it seems like the server cannot ...
Giulia's user avatar
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Reactive reading and rendering a shapefile

my purpose is to render a reactive map through Shiny + Leaflet: I want to use two overlapped layers, "confini.comuni.WGS84" and "confini.asl.WGS84", on which to draw a reactive layer. Based on the ...
Gianpaolo Romeo's user avatar
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Filtering and Clustering SpatialPointDataFrame in a Shiny reactive not working

This reproducible code is based on the meuse dataset from the gstat package. I'd like to be able to filter the dataset by x and y boundaries and subsequently cluster the data. However - I'm having a ...
val's user avatar
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Connect to Spatial SQL Tables from RStudio Connect Server

I have a shiny app which includes the following connection to a spatial table (containing data uploaded from an ESRI shapefile) in a SQL Server: dsn <- paste0("MSSQL:server=host\\instance;", ...
cwthom's user avatar
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Select only one state in a map in a Shiny application

I have the following dataset: library(rgdal) library(leaflet) tmp <- tempdir() url <- "" file <- basename(url) download.file(url, file) ...
Henk Straten's user avatar
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reading geojson with readOGR

I am attempting to load some ggvis mapping code via this git: The code is returning errors on line 27 in the server file: Warning: Error in ogrInfo: Cannot ...
adarvishian's user avatar
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Error from using SpatialPolygonDataFrame in a reactive function in shiny

I've been getting the error Error in states() <- reactive({ : invalid (NULL) left side of assignment when I create reactive functions that return objects with class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame in ...
cylondude's user avatar
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