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How to Install rgdal in R version 4.4.1?

I would like to install rgdal but my numerous attempts have failed so far. I was trying to download the package using the archive . I have tried ...
user25695353's user avatar
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Unable to install rgdal on macOS 14.3 / M3

The rgdal package is not part of the CRAN anymore but I would need to install it as a dependency for another older package (PlotSvalbard). I am trying to install it from a local .tar file. Following ...
Lisa's user avatar
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How to convert projected coordinates back to lat and long

I am working with lat long coordinates in R. First I need to transform my coordinates to zone 17 and then add some buffer to them. For that I used next code (the data used is in orig_coords ): library(...
Duck's user avatar
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Package "rgdal" cannot be found in R-v4.4 [duplicate]

So i had to upgrade my R version to 4.4 to install a package called "INLA". This is in ubuntu machine btw. In addition to INLA, I also need to use the rgdal package. However when I tried to ...
imantha's user avatar
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Projection of EURO CORDEX data

I tried to project the EURO CORDEX data in R with the PROJ4 string. It is not working anymore (PROJ4 and RDGAL retired). Is there a more recent approach to reproject/transform the EURO CORDEX data in ...
jukiba's user avatar
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Coordinates of dataframe in a clockwise direction [closed]

I'd like to join the list of polygons in a data frame, but it is important to sort a set of coordinates in a clockwise direction. In my example: library(dplyr) library(sf) test.all <- list(...
Leprechault's user avatar
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Installation of rgdal package from source fails

When I try to build the rdgal package from source, it fails. It is clear that I need a package that looks like libdeflate or a lot of else, but my search only found how to get it into Linux, but not ...
SekiTake's user avatar
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Error in DrawROI() : could not find function "DrawROI" in r version 4.3.3

Error in DrawROI() : could not find function "DrawROI" The function DrawROI() allows the user to draw one or more regions of interest on-screen, using the mouse cursor on a chosen reference ...
Poornima Garg's user avatar
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Problem installing rgdal as I need to use the associated readOGR() function

Using R version 4.3.2, I have used the getData() function from the raster package to read a dataset to make a "KUD plot" in ggplot2. However, I have a polygon shapefile (.shp) with geometry ...
Klervi's user avatar
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Installing rgdal using its repos on Mac [duplicate]

I am trying to install rgdal packages. For rgdal, I tried this install.packages("rgdal", repos = "") but ...
Nader Mehri's user avatar
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Add region column in movement data - alternative to retired rgdal package?

I have a movement dataset and a map of Canada as a shapefile (.shp). An example of the movement dataset looks like this (the coordinates are projected in ESPG:5321): longitude latitude DateTimeRounded ...
Cam's user avatar
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Cannot write shapefile to working directory from sp object using rgdal package in R 4.2.3

The rgdal package is not working anymore. I used writeOGR: writeOGR(occ_sp, species_set[i], driver = "ESRI Shapefile", dsn = dsn, overwrite = TRUE) but got this error: Error in writeOGR(...
A. Aldow's user avatar
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Problems of loading R packages using Rstudio server

I am using conda R. I found that some packages (i.e., sf, raster, rgdal, terra) could not be successfully loaded using Rstudio server (but could be loaded using terminal R!) I have checked I am using ...
Pei-Wei Sun's user avatar
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Raster stack does not seem to want to read file

Im trying to put several raster files (.tif) into one stack using the stack function from the raster package. As i do this i run into two errors, namely: > covStack <- stack(paste0(getwd(),"...
Brynollf's user avatar
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Error in R_nc4_open: No such file or directory

library(terra) library('sp') library(raster) library('gimms','rgdal') input <- "F:/BaiduSyncdisk/graduatepaper/guaduate/data" out <- "F:/BaiduSyncdisk/graduatepaper/guaduate/area/...
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