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Vulnerabilities in spring-webmvc-5.3.39 to 5.3.40 [closed]

I'm using Spring Web MVC v5.3.39 and I'm affected by vulnerability CVE-2024-38816. According to the advisory message of GitHub, I should update to Spring Web MVC v5.3.40. However, I can't find the ...
3UMF's user avatar
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How to refresh frontend cache automatically for a React webapp built with Vite

I hope this thread finds a kind soul that could help me lol I have a React webapp that I build with Vite : tsc && vite build Each time I do an update on that frontend, I increase the minor ...
ylaimeche's user avatar
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Why does some net/http features are available in Go 1.22.7 but not in 1.23.1? [closed]

I was trying out some features of net/http package that was introduce in version 1.22. But I was using Go version 1.23.1 It was simple net/http path parameter with request.PathValue() func main() { ...
slothPete's user avatar
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How can I make an analysis of a compatibility of two versions of Python to make sure that the migration won’t cause issues

I want to know if there is a procedure or steps to make an analysis of a compatibility of two versions of Python to make sure that the migration won’t cause issues in the system. What are the main ...
user3084383's user avatar
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CRAN repos not loading

I am trying to update my R version on my linux server and I am not able to do it, getting the error below: R ...
amruth sl's user avatar
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How to get BuildConfig.VERSION in a kmm project without expect/actual?

I'm working on a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) project and I need to access the version of the project, without using the expect/actual mechanism. On Android, we can easily retrieve the version ...
Mohamed Chaabouni's user avatar
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Correct way to create a Version object from string such that it can easily be serialised / deserialised [duplicate]

Consider the following line of C# code: ProtocolVersion = new Version("6.10.7011"); So that parses the string and creates the object no problem, however it sets the Revision to -1 by ...
komodosp's user avatar
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Why does Eclipse use an old JRE by default?

I installed Eclipse 2023-06 (4.28.0) and tried to make a new Java project using JavaSE-20. I don't actually know what I'm doing with this, I just figured I should be using the most recent versions of ...
MrHEdison's user avatar
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Cloning GitHub code in Google colab and solving libraries and dependency version mismatch errors

I want to use a code from GitHub for Facial Expression Recognition using ML in Google colab since I have limited resources in my local machine. One issue is the environment of Google colab which is ...
Sain Marbaniang's user avatar
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How to get the "Windows PowerShell" version? `pwsh --version` seems to be giving the "PowerShell 7" version

In both "PowerShell 7" and "Windows PowerShell", when I do pwsh --version, I get PowerShell 7.4.5. However, in "Windows PowerShell", when I do Set-PSReadLineOption -...
joseville's user avatar
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flutter ext.kotlin_version dont build apk

I have old project need updates, after updating codes as sdk: ^3.5.0 I had ext.kotlin_version problem, the problems starts that all Gradle in new structures so I can't solve it with search's result ...
Husamuldeen Abdlrahman's user avatar
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NVCC 12.2 and g++ 13.2.0 on CUDA 12.4

When I compile a program with NVCC using CUDA 12.4 and g++ 13.2.0 I get the error /run/current-system/sw/include/crt/host_config.h:143:2: error: #error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc versions later ...
T.L's user avatar
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Foreign Key Constraint Error During Staggered Table Migration

I'm facing a foreign key constraint issue due to a timing mismatch between the migration of two related tables. Here's the scenario: Group 1 migrates the class table at 10:00 AM, which initially ...
Aryan Rajput's user avatar
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Minecraft plugin adaptation of WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE to versions after 1.13 and before 1.12

I'm making a plugin of Minecraft. public final static ItemStack WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE = (IS_LEGACY ? new ItemStack(Material.valueOf("STAINED_GLASS_PANE"), 1, (short) 0) : new ItemStack(...
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Intellij IDEA using bundled maven when set to different

I don't understand how IDEA terminal work. It is respecting JAVA_HOME variable but it is using bundled maven version (3.9.6 for me) instead of 3.8.8 version i set it to use by setting it in the ...
Nogi's user avatar
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