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Get VSCode to open correct REMOTE URL (not "localhost:9003") for "Open in Browser" when REMOTE PHP XDebugging (v3.2)

Xdebugging PHP code on remote VPS Server (AlmaLinux 9, PHP 8.2, Xdebug 3.2.1) from Desktop (LMDE 6 Faye, VSCode 1.93 w/ Open Remote SSH & PHP Debug exentsions, php 8.2) If I debug (press F5 in ...
RagingBull Durham's user avatar
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Building .Net MAUI application with VSCode 'Platform/Android/google-services.json' would result in a file outside of the app bundle and cannot be used

When attempting to build my .Net 8.0 MAUI application for debugging an iOS 18 simulator on my Mac using VSCode I get the following errors: Platforms/Android/google-services.json : error : The path '../...
Reid's user avatar
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When debugging in VS Code, it doesn't take command inputs for Python

While debugging in VS Code, I am trying to give command lines but it doesn't take any and it moves directly to input(). Here len(sys.argv) is always equal to one. I saw an old question which was ...
icecream's user avatar
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This extension was reported to be problematic

I've just noticed today that my extension was forcibly removed from my computer and cannot be installed anymore. I have ...
Ciro Santilli's user avatar
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VS Code Golang debugger: how to figure out whether a large array contains any non-zero values

The Debug console of VS Code is displaying a large slice/array like this: canvas.img.Pix []uint8 len: 2073600, cap: 2073600, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,...
Megidd's user avatar
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VSCode PHP Xdebug in remote server ignoring breakpoints

I'm trying to debug my app in a remote server. The remote server is a QNAP NAS, runs Apache and has Xdebug installed. 99-xdebug.ini [xDebug] extension = xdebug xdebug.mode = debug,develop xdebug....
Daviid's user avatar
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Setting Launch Config for Python Project

I have a python project thats basically a module and I have a test file test/ (VS Code Version: 1.92.2 (Universal)) Update: I found out that apparently the Python plugin might not have been ...
Draco's user avatar
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How to debug a running container service in VS Code?

I have a containerized architecture where each service runs in a different container, and I have a Docker Compose file for the same. I want to debug one of these services named api. The code is ...
Shardendu Shekhar chaubey's user avatar
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How to enable experimental Network View in Javascript debugger in vscode?

In vscode release 1.93 there is a new setting: I followed the instructions, but I couldn't find the Network View. Attached is the ...
kDar's user avatar
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How to setup the ruby debugger in VScode for mounted sinatra code?

My code is present in server A and I have opened the same in Vscode. Same code is mounted on server B where the sinatra app is runnig. Server A doesnt have any gems it is just act as file server ...
Praveenkumar's user avatar
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How to debug a testify golang code which is deployed in k8s cluster as job using vscode?

I am trying to debug golang test code which is deployed as job in local k8s cluster. I have installed cloud code extension. In my dockerfile I have installed dlv. dockerfile is as below FROM
Samselvaprabu's user avatar
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vscode disassembly view displays nothing but ?? bytes

I am trying to debug my c++ program running on bochs by vscode. However, when I try to open the disassembly view, it displays nothing but ?? bytes. However, I am able to see the disassembly codes by ...
Zailu's user avatar
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Attaching Node Js process inside docker to Vscode debugger

I have 3 services which are dependent on each other. E.g. main-service depends on proxy2. proxy2 depends on proxy1. All the services are running inside the docker (docker desktop in Mac) as 3 ...
Pradip's user avatar
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Unable to start debugging program path is missing or invalid, even though the program is compiled, runs perfectly and has the correct path

enter image description here I have all the necessary libraries installed on windows to run C program, and the program runs perfectly. But I am not able to debug the code due to this error. Also, yes, ...
Yash Kothalkar's user avatar
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How to debug Ruby on Rails in Heroku Staging with VSCode

We've set up a Heroku Ruby on Rails API app and used the Pipeline feature to create a Production and Staging copy of the app. We develop on a Linux VM with VSCode Remote from Windows PCs and push ...
Bill Wagoner's user avatar

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