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xcodebuild: error: Timed out waiting for all destinations matching the provided destination specifier to become available

I am getting this error while running flutter app in iPhone 15 Pro Max Whole error log: Running pod install... Running Xcode build... Xcode build done. ...
Harsh Patel's user avatar
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Azure pipeline CI: No profiles for '' were found

I am trying to use azure pipeline for CI/CD, but can't build my app. I set automatic code signing in Xcode. Also I uploaded all needed secure files both certificate and provisioning profiles. pool: ...
Roman Markov's user avatar
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How to archive iOS app and export unsigned IPA with Xcode 15.4?

I'm trying to export unsigned IPA of an iOS application using Xcode 15.4. This is a bash script I'm using to do so: xcodebuild clean archive \ -workspace DemoApp.xcworkspace \ -scheme DemoApp \ -...
Darrarski's user avatar
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Fastlane setup_ci for GitHub

Please note: this issue has been reported many times in other questions, but in each of those cases you will see that the solution was to clear the cached Derived Data. I have already done this, and ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
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xcodebuild command failing after upgrading to Xcode 15

We have a server with mac and Xcode which generates apps for IOS signing them with release provisioning profile and sign identities. It does by command line It worked perfectly until we upgraded from ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
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xcodebuild fails to copy SPM bundles

I'm trying to make a build of my app using xcodebuild. However, it is failing in this environment and I don't understand why… Here's the command I'm running: xcodebuild \ build \ -scheme "My ...
Clément Cardonnel's user avatar
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iOS App Certificates, Provisioning Profiles, Targets and Codesigning explained

I am new to iOS app development and am having a difficult time understanding some of the relationships between Certificates, Distributions, Provisioning Profiles, Targets and the entire codesigning ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
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XCBCore MacroEvaluationProgram.executeInContext crashed

Context We have a very large codebase in our company 600k+ Lines of Code. The setup is a XcodeProj using Swift Package Manager as the only and main package management tool. We have started a long ...
Serj's user avatar
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Xcode 15 command line simulator build ignores simulator destination

This command to build for simulator works just fine with Xcode 14: xcodebuild \ -project MyProject.xcodeproj \ -scheme App \ -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 14" \...
Max's user avatar
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Rotate iOS Parallel Device Clones to Landscape Mode via Command Line

I am looking for a way to be able to rotate iOS simulators to landscape mode for device clones (parallel testing) when the tests are launched via command line either using xcodebuild command or ...
reutsey's user avatar
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xcodebuild destination with id logs warning with duplicates

I run xcode tests on a simulated device with this script line: xcodebuild test \ -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace \ -scheme My-Scheme \ -destination 'id=12345678-ASDF-ASDF-ASDF-...
Xarbrough's user avatar
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Xcode Archive Release Takes Around 2 hours

I am using Xcode 15.2 to archive my iOS app, it takes around 2 hours to complete the archive, during the first 15 minutes Xcode will be using huge CPU usage, then for the rest of the time until the ...
AaoIi's user avatar
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XcodeBuild command line is failed

I have sample hello world program in swiftUI, I have added KeychainAccess When I try to run the app using Xcode, it works fine, But if I run using Terminal command Xcodebuild then it shows error like ...
nirav's user avatar
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How to pin target iOS SDK version when building with xcodebuild

I build an IPA using xcodebuild on CI (actually, I have a Flutter app and build it for iOS with flutter build ipa but it calls xcodebuild under the hood). Every now and than, for example right now, a ...
wujek's user avatar
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Xcode Build: Tests must be run on a concrete device

I am trying to build in terminal and git-lab pipeline, using: xcodebuild test -project Project.xcodeproj -scheme Scheme -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 14,OS=13.0' | xcpretty -s But ...
Nandhini's user avatar
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