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How to export archive of macOS console "Hello world" application with xcodebuild?

There is newly created in Xcode-16.0 (16A242d) macOS 'Command Line Tool', a "Hello world" project. Immediately after creation of such a project in Xcode you're able to successfully archive ...
eggor's user avatar
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xcodebuild: error: Timed out waiting for all destinations matching the provided destination specifier to become available

I am getting this error while running flutter app in iPhone 15 Pro Max Whole error log: Running pod install... Running Xcode build... Xcode build done. ...
Harsh Patel's user avatar
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Azure pipeline CI: No profiles for '' were found

I am trying to use azure pipeline for CI/CD, but can't build my app. I set automatic code signing in Xcode. Also I uploaded all needed secure files both certificate and provisioning profiles. pool: ...
Roman Markov's user avatar
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xcodebuild producing iPhoneOS build despite Catalyst destination

I'm developing a multi-platform SDK in Xcode following the instructions from Creating a multiplatform binary framework bundle. I've done this several times in the past the only issue being that I ...
Brian Nickel's user avatar
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Unable to generate doc for test projects using realm/Jazzy

I've been trying to generate documentation for our unit and ui test of a project that has cocoapods. I have created a simple project that is demonstrating my error (pasted below). The link to the ...
Istafein's user avatar
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Enforce Xcode to update String Catalog on command line?

Xcode's String Catalog seems to be a nice solution compared to the old approach. However, in larger projects it can happen that the Localizable.xcstrings file is updated too late, making developers ...
Marc's user avatar
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Fastlane build failing with error: Build input file cannot be found

The error messages have the following form: error: Build input file cannot be found: '{path}'. Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule which produces ...
rjdevereux's user avatar
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Module 'FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop' not found

Firebase SDK Version: Unity 12.1.0 Xcode Version: 15.4 Installation Method: CocoaPods Firebase Product: Remote Config Targeted Platform: iOS Issue: I got an error: Module 'FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop' ...
An Trịnh's user avatar
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Sign with xcode build on CI/Github actions with fastlane results in signing error regarding SPM frameworks

I am manually on GitHub action trying to sign my iOS app. I am using fastlane (partially) to help me. I do not want to use match as I intend to reuse the script between customers so I cannot use a ...
Sunkas's user avatar
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Github Actions : Provisioning profile "foo" doesn't include the currently selected device "Mac-1719908638417.local"

I've configured an CI/CD environment using Github Actions to build and deploy Apps automatically. But since Github has updated the runner, I get the error Provisioning profile "foo" doesn't ...
clem's user avatar
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How to archive iOS app and export unsigned IPA with Xcode 15.4?

I'm trying to export unsigned IPA of an iOS application using Xcode 15.4. This is a bash script I'm using to do so: xcodebuild clean archive \ -workspace DemoApp.xcworkspace \ -scheme DemoApp \ -...
Darrarski's user avatar
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Is there anyway to run xcodebuild and specify the value of isysroot that it'll use?

I'm trying to build an Xcode project using xcodebuild, and I'm using a custom toolchain and SDK to do so. I can use the -toolchain argument to pick the toolchain I want to use, but no matter what else ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies stopped working after Mac Os update

My config is as follow MacBook Pro with M3 Pro and Sonoma 14.5 OS XCode 15.2 Build version 15C500b swift-driver version: 1.87.3 Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500. ...
Rad's user avatar
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Building a Swift XCFramework compatible with Objective-c

I'm building a Swift Package distributed in the form of an XCFramework. Importing the resulting binary inside a Swift application works just fine, but trying to import it inside of an Objective-c ...
Kireyin's user avatar
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Where is the file downloaded by the `xcodebuild -downloadPlatform iOS`?

I executed xcodebuild -downloadPlatform iOS for download ios17.2 simulator. The download is complete, but the installation process failed due to lack of space and nearly 7 gigs of hard drive space was ...
or123456's user avatar
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