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May 14-16, 2015
Monterey, California


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Accent Vocal Group

Joey Alexander Pianist

Greg Anderson & Elizabeth Joy Roe Piano Duo

Simon Beck Snow Artist

Erika Bergman Explorer-in-Residence at OpenExplorer, Co-Founder of Girls Engineering & Exploration Counselors

Samantha Futerman & Anaïs Bordier Co-authors of Separated@Birth

Russell Brown Photographer & Photoshop Wizard

Eric Cheng Photographer

Terry Crane and Erica Rubinstein Circus Artists

Robyn Davidson Wanderer, Author

James Delgado Archaeology & Exploration

Aaron Duffy Filmmaker

George Dyson Historian and Treehouse Dweller

Bran Ferren Designer & Inventor

Brendan Foley Marine Archaeologist

Danielle Fong Cofounder LightSail Energy

Robert Gannon Pilot, Adventurer

Ron Garan Pilot & Explorer

Dan Goods Visual Strategist

Justin Gray Sculptor, Roboticist & Pyrotechnician

Tom Gruber Siri Progenitor

Michael Hawley Director, EG

Evon Hekkala DNA Analyst

Alexx Henry Director, Photographer, 3D Capture Evangelist

Gunther Holtorf Transcontinental Explorer

Julia Hu CEO & Cofounder of Lark

Tom Hugh-Jones Wildlife Cinematographer

Fisk Johnson Chairman & CEO of SC Johnson

Steve Jurvetson Rocketeer

Bruce Katz Founder of Samuel Hubbard Shoe

Max Kenner Founder and Executive Director of the Bard Prison Initiative

Peter Knights Wildlife Activist

Sophie Lanfear Wondering wanderer

Amory Lovins Physicist & Environmental Scientist

Stephen Macknik Neuroscientist and Author

Paul Magid Juggler

Susana Martinez-Conde Neuroscientist and Author

Jon McCormack Photographer, Nerd, Educator

Eric Mead Magician

Doug Menuez Photographer

Rob Mies Bat Conservationist

Derek Muller Science Educator & TV Host

Red (aka Hong Yi) Architect and Unconventional Artist

Jameson Rich Filmmaker

Ginny Ruffner Artist

Paul Saffo Technology Forecaster

Peter Sagal Author & Radio Quizmaster

Adam Savage Tester, Builder, Mythbuster

Jon Schull Grassroots Prostheticist, and Founder, e-NABLE

Alvy Ray Smith Graphics Pioneer & Co-Founder, Pixar

Jill Sobule Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist

Dave Spafford Animator, and Silhouette Artist

Oliver Steeds Explorer

Neal Stephenson Author & Hacker

Marco Tempest Cyber Illusionist

Helena Tomas Archaeologist & Researcher

Natalie Tyler Tran Writer, Globetrotter and YouTube Diva

Nadejda Vlaeva Pianist

Ellsworth Wareham Cardiac Surgeon

Esther Wojcicki Educator

Eric Cheng

Eric Cheng (2015)

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2015) Day 1

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2015) Day 2

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2015) Day 3

Chris Holmes

Chris Holmes (2015)

David Lemke

David Lemke (2015)

Asa Mathat

Asa Mathat (2015) Flixels

Doug Menuez

Doug Menuez (2015) Portraits

Doug Menuez

Doug Menuez (2015) Panorama Crowd

Michael Rubin

Michael Rubin (2015)

EG9(2015): Phantom 3 Blows EG Attendees Over

EG9(2015): Aerial Group Video


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