List of Zombies

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Name Health Location Loot Drop Entity-ID
Normal Feral Radiated Legendary
Fatso.jpg Bloated Walker 250 475 902 N/A Everywhere 70 zombieMoe
BurnVictim.png Burn Victim 125 255-345 465-635 N/A Burnt Forest, Wasteland, cities and buildings that contain fire in some way zombieBurnt
Businessman Zombie 2 .png Businessman Zombie 150 285 N/A 900 Everywhere, predominantly in office areas inside buildings zombieBusinessMan
A13CrawlerSteve.jpg Crawler Zombie 80 152 N/A N/A Everywhere, More common in the Burnt Forest 70 zombieSteveCrawler
Demolisher.png Demolisher 1000 N/A N/A N/A Blood Moon hordes and Cities zombieDemolition
Marlene.jpg Departed Woman 125 237 451 N/A Everywhere zombieMarlene
Soldier.png Fallen Soldier Zombie 150 285 541 N/A Military and Government Installations, Roaming Military Hordes and "boss rooms" of larger POIs zombieSoldier
FatHawaiian.png Fat Hawaiian 300 570 N/A N/A Everywhere zombieFatHawaiian
FeralWight.png Feral Wight N/A 532 1010 N/A Wasteland, Blood Moon hordes, Military and Government Installations, any POI at higher gamestage Feral Wight
Joe.jpg Festering Cadaver 150 285 541 N/A Everywhere zombieJoe
ZombieLumberjack.png Frozen Lumberjack 300 570 1150-1550 N/A Snow zombieSnow
Grace Boar.jpg Grace 3000 Bob's Boars & Carl's Corn
Hogzilla Ranch LLC
MaleHazmat.png Hazmat Male Zombie 150 300-400 550-750 N/A Military and Government installations, Roaming Military Hordes and rarely in other places zombieMaleHazmat
Female Fatso.jpg Hungry Female Zombie 300 380 722 N/A Everywhere 85 zombieFemaleFat
ZombieDarlene.png Infected Mother 125 237 451 N/A Everywhere zombieDarlene
FatCop.png Infected Police Officer 250 475 902 N/A Wasteland, Blood Moon hordes and Police Stations, any POI at higher gamestages zombieFatCop
ReanimatedCorpseA13.jpg Infected Survivor 150 285 541 N/A Everywhere zombieBoe
LabWorker.png Lab Zombie 125 237 451 N/A Laboratory areas, also medical departments within Military installations zombieLab
Mutated Zombie.jpg Mutated Zombie 150 285 541 Wasteland zombieMoe
Sssss.jpg Party Girl 125 237 N/A N/A Everywhere 84 zombieStripper
ZombieNurse.png Plagued Nurse 125 237 N/A N/A Everywhere, mostly in medical facilities 70 zombieNurse
A13ZombieArlene.jpg Putrid Girl 125 237 451 N/A Everywhere, mostly in old western POIs zombieArlene
Steve.jpg Reanimated Corpse 150 285 541 N/A Everywhere zombieSteve
Yo.jpg Rotting Carcass 150 285 541 N/A Everywhere Rotting Carcass
Screamer.png Screamer 75 142 270 N/A Spawns in the vicinity of the player once heat threshold has been reached zombieScreamer
Skateboarder.png Skater Punk Zombie 150 285 541 N/A Everywhere 80 zombieSkateboarder
SpiderZombie.png Spider Zombie 150 285 541 N/A Everywhere, higher spawn rate outside at nighttime zombieSpider
UtilityWorkerZambieThatHasAMiningHelmetForSomeReason.jpg Utility Worker Zombie 150 285 930-1265 900 Everywhere, predominantly construction sites in large groups zombieUtilityWorker
Zombie bear.jpg Zombie Bear 4000 Wasteland, Burnt Forest, and some particular POIs animalZombieBear
Biker.jpg Zombie Biker 280 532 1010 600 (Legendary form planned, but commented out in the file.) Everywhere, mostly in garages and bars, as well as "bosses" in other POIs 71 zombieBiker
ZombieDog.png Zombie Dog 200 N/A N/A N/A Wasteland and Burnt Forest, as well as in particular POIs. Occasionally, as part of a roaming dog horde animalZombieDog
ZombieJanitor.png Zombie Janitor 250 zombieJanitor
ZombieTomClark.png Zombie Tom Clark 138 222 506 N/A Tom Clark
Entity-id-68.jpg Zombie Vulture 30 N/A 120 N/A Every biome except Snow, as well as on roofs of POIs. May appear as part of a flock and in a Blood Moon horde animalZombieVulture