Delete HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect

This page provides the steps required to delete an HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect deployment.

To delete an HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect deployment, delete its components in the following order:

  1. Delete the VPN tunnels. For more information, see Delete a VPN tunnel.

  2. Delete the HA VPN Cloud Router.

    Before you delete the HA VPN Cloud Router, verify that the Cloud Router is not managing any other active BGP sessions.

    For more information, see List and delete Cloud Routers.

  3. Delete the HA VPN gateways. For more information, see Delete a VPN gateway.

  4. Delete the encrypted VLAN attachments. For more information, see Delete VLAN attachments for Dedicated Interconnect and Delete VLAN attachments for Partner Interconnect.

  5. Release any internal IP ranges that you reserved for your encrypted VLAN attachments. For more information, see Delete a static internal IPv4 or IPv6 address.

  6. Delete the encrypted Cloud Router used for Cloud Interconnect. For more information, see List and delete Cloud Routers.