View pipeline metrics

After you define, build, and run a pipeline, you can view metrics related to the pipeline job or pipeline tasks in the Metrics Explorer. Additionally, you can create custom log-based metrics and alerts using Cloud Logging to monitor events such as pipeline failures.

This page describes how you can do the following:

Creating and viewing custom metrics in Cloud Logging has costs associated with it. For more information, see Cloud Logging pricing.

View standard Vertex AI Pipelines metrics in the Metrics Explorer

You can view the following metrics related to Vertex AI Pipelines in the Metrics Explorer:

View the runtime duration of pipeline jobs

Use the following instructions to view the Vertex Pipelines Job - PipelineJob duration metric in the Google Cloud console:

  1. Navigate to the Metrics Explorer:

    Go to the Metrics Explorer

  2. In the Metric list, select Vertex Pipelines Job > Pipelinejob > PipelineJob duration.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Optional: To filter the query, specify one or more criteria by clicking Filter. For example:

    • To view the runtime duration of a specific pipeline job, use the pipeline_job_id filter.

    • To view the runtime duration of pipeline jobs for a specific location, use the location filter.


View the number of pipeline runs

Use the following instructions to view the Location - Executing PipelineJobs metric in the Google Cloud console:

  1. Navigate to the Metrics Explorer:

    Go to the Metrics Explorer

  2. In the Metric list, select Location > Executing_vertexai_pipeline_jobs > Executing PipelineJobs.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Optional: To filter the query, specify one or more criteria by clicking Filter. For example, to view the number of pipeline jobs for a specific location, use the location filter.

View the number of pipeline tasks completed

Use the following instructions to view the Vertex Pipelines Job - Completed PipelineTasks metric in the Google Cloud console:

  1. Navigate to the Metrics Explorer:

    Go to the Metrics Explorer

  2. In the Metric list, select Vertex Pipelines Job > Pipelinejob > Completed PipelineTasks.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Optional: To filter the query, specify one or more criteria by clicking Filter. For example:

    • To view the number of tasks completed in a specific pipeline run, use the pipeline_job_id filter.

    • To view the number of tasks completed in pipeline runs for a specific location, use the location filter.

View the number of pipeline tasks executed

Use the following instructions to view the Location - Executing PipelineTasks metric in the Google Cloud console:

  1. Navigate to the Metrics Explorer:

    Go to the Metrics Explorer

  2. In the Metric list, select Location > Executing_vertexai_pipeline_tasks > Executing PipelineTasks.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Optional: To filter the query, specify one or more criteria by clicking Filter. For example, to view the number of pipeline tasks executed for a specific location, use the location filter.

Create and view custom metrics in the Logs Explorer

You can use the Logs Explorer in the Google Cloud console to create custom log-based metrics that track and analyze patterns within your pipeline logs.

Examples of custom metrics

This section illustrates examples of custom metrics you can create. These include the following:

Create a custom metric for failed pipeline jobs

To create a custom log-based counter metric that monitors failed pipeline jobs, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Logs Explorer:

    Go to the Logs Explorer

  2. Select the appropriate Google Cloud project.

  3. In the Resource drop-down menu, select Vertex Pipelines Job.

  4. In the Location drop-down menu, select your pipeline's location.

  5. In the All pipeline_job_id drop-down menu, select the ID of your pipeline job.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Click Create Metric.

  8. In the Create logs metric screen:

    1. Set the Metric type: Select Counter.

    2. Set the following fields in the Details section:

      • Log metric name: Enter a name for your log metric, for example, pipelinejob_failed. Choose a name that is unique among the logs-based metrics in your Google Cloud project. Some naming restrictions apply. For more information, see Troubleshooting.
      • Description: Enter a description for the metric.
      • Units: Leave this field blank or enter the digit 1.
    3. Define your metric filter in the Filter selection section. Create a filter that collects only the log entries that you want to count in your metric using the logging query language, for example:


      You can also use regular expressions to create your metric's filters.

      To open a panel showing you the log entries that match your filter, click Preview logs.

    4. Optional: Add a label in the Labels section. For instructions on creating labels, see Create a label.

    5. To create the metric, click Create metric.

Create a custom metric for final pipeline state

To create a custom log-based counter metric that monitors the final state of your pipeline jobs, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Logs Explorer:

    Go to the Logs Explorer

  2. Select the appropriate Google Cloud project.

  3. In the Resource drop-down menu, select Vertex Pipelines Job.

  4. In the Location drop-down menu, select your pipeline's location.

  5. In the All pipeline_job_id drop-down menu, select the ID of your pipeline job.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Click Create Metric.

  8. In the Create logs metric screen:

    1. Set the Metric type: Select Counter.

    2. Set the following fields in the Details section:

      • Log metric name: Enter a name for your log metric, for example, Pipeline_state_final. Choose a name that is unique among the logs-based metrics in your Google Cloud project. Some naming restrictions apply. For more information, see Troubleshooting.
      • Description: Enter a description for the metric.
      • Units: Leave this field blank or enter the digit 1.
    3. Define your metric filter in the Filter selection section. Create a filter that collects only the log entries that you want to count in your metric using the logging query language, for example:

      jsonPayload.state="PIPELINE_STATE_SUCCEEDED" OR

      You can also use regular expressions to create your metric's filters.

      To open a panel showing you the log entries that match your filter, click Preview logs.

    4. Optional: Add a label in the Labels section. For instructions on creating labels, see Create a label.

    5. To create the metric, click Create metric.

View pipeline job failure rate

The pipeline job failure rate is calculated as the ratio of the number of pipeline jobs in the final state to the number of failed pipeline jobs. To create a dashboard to monitor the pipeline job failure rate, do the following:

  1. Create a metric for monitoring the pipeline jobs in the final state. For more information, see Create a custom metric for final pipeline state.

  2. Create a metric for monitoring the pipeline jobs in the failed state. For more information, see Create a custom metric for failed pipeline jobs.

  3. In the Monitoring section of the Google Cloud console, go to the Metrics Explorer page.

    Go to the Metrics Explorer page

  4. In the Configuration tab, do the following:

    1. Click Add another metric.

    2. Select the Display metrics as ratio option. When you select this option:

      • The Time series A pane is renamed Numerator.

      • The Time series B pane is renamed Denominator.

    3. In the Numerator pane, click Select a metric to select the metric created for failed pipeline jobs.

    4. In the Denominator pane, click Select a metric to select the metric created for final state pipeline jobs.

    5. (Optional) Configure the numerator and denominator by adding filters, or by updating the grouping fields and alignment parameters.

      For more information about how to add filters, or update the grouping fields and alignment parameters, see Chart a ratio of metrics.

    After you select the numerator and the denominator, the pipeline job failure rate is displayed in the graph.

    • After you generate the pipeline job failure rate graph, you can add it to your custom dashboard. For more information, see Save a chart for future reference.

    • To copy the URL containing the graph configuration, click the ellipsis icon on the top right corner of the graph, and then click Share by URL.