Discover the latest updates in Chrome from our documentation and blog.

From the Blog

Documentation updates

New content and significant updates to documentation.
Animate to and from intrinsic sizing keywords with interpolate-size and calc-size()
We added new documentation about APIs available for early preview withGemini Nano in Chrome.
A new optimization in Chrome improves how IndexedDB data is stored on disk. This document summarizes the key points of this update.
Explaining the interoperability status of author-defined names as used in the shadow DOM in CSS.
The Chrome team is experimenting with a new File System Observer API that informs developers of changes to the file system.
Use the Recorder panel to record, measure, and edit user flows.

Case studies

Feature updates

Chrome 125 has a number of new DevTools features.
Read the latest updates to the Extensions documentation.
Read the latest WebGPU updates.

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