
From IndieWeb

Wikipedia is a collaboratively edited, openly licensed, multilingual centralized encyclopedia on numerous topics.


If you need an administrator (e.g. to provide the content of deleted pages), tommorris overlaps the wikipedia and indieweb community.


Interesting Features of Wikipedia, beyond MediaWiki, that may serve as inspiration for various IndieWeb efforts (e.g. IndieWeb homepage Brainstorming: new live modules).

  • Featured Article β€” Wikipedia’s home page has a module: "From today's featured article") β€” an article that is displayed more prominently.
    • Uses the "primary" image and first two paragraphs of a wiki page to summarize as the "featured article"
    • Side-effect (unknown if intentional) the featured article image becomes the featured photo for the entire Wikipedia home page!
  • on this day β€” (module on Wikipedia)
  • ...

IndieWeb Support

IndieWeb Articles

Wikipedia articles about indieweb, indiewebcamp, and indieweb tech:


Classic (mf1) microformats:



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See Also