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June Inside

A member registered Sep 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wow! That's really flattering - thank you for playing too :) we've got it already written for the bigger version (like actually the GDD exists) so I hope we will finish it :)

I'm surprised (positively) that you said it was "fun to play" considering the fact that we all thought it's rather an anti-game, not really a fun one but still - this indicates that there are people out there that will consider it fun, thanks for playing :)

Thanks for playing and for your feedback too :) 

Thanks for playing and for your feedback :) You mean a health bar for enemies?

hey, thanks for playing :) u can kill the bugs but that will result in a somewhat bad ending - there is a second pacifist approach to the game - it's all connected to the story (bits of it in demo - more to come). About the Metroidvania part - I would say it borrows some concepts of it like the closed doors that you need to figure out how to open and somewhat free approach to the level exploring - like you can go that way or the other

glad you enjoyed it :) that was the Parasite ending - there is a pacifisct approach to this game resulting in a different ending too :)

is the protagonist running to slow? like slower than the enemy?

Nice game. Liked the character creator and overall polish of the game. I would love to see some better level design because right now its a little boring and repetetive. Little weird controlls too (not too weird but unusual) especially the jumping key - it was hard to combo all the three attacks and then quickly jump. Don't know about the door keys either, I didn't really need to collect all of them to progress. Overall a nice game but a little too ornamented and less meat and potatoes :)

Gave me some old school Mega Man vibes. But felt really weird the graphics and controlls. Probably that I played on a keyboard and it was meant to be played on a joypad. Those graphics a little misleading, sometimes I didn't really knew if what im walking on is a floor or no floor at all. Still I liked the multiple ways to kill your opponents. 

Very nice. Very atmoshperic and mysterious, it gave me a Shadow of the Colossus vibes. Loved the designs of enemies. It was very buggy too, especially some random colliders throught the game. Also level design was little weird - platforms that lead you only to your death. Also half into the game i started just avoiding the enemies, it was much faster to end it this way. Bugged out heavily at the boss fight so I couldn't finish it. Overall I really enojoyed it but it needs it's mechanical problems fixed :)

Maybe using the mouse - RMB to holster - LMB to shoot or simply keep the gun always in the hands of the protagonist :)

Loved the slowpace of the game - very soothing, it deserves a soundtrack as relaxing as the whole game itself. Best game I played so far on the jam. I'm looking forward to playing an even more refined game. Also the slowpace could be a con for some but then again - can't make a game for everyone :)

The unusual controls made it a lot harder to play (don't get me wrong I love hard games but here it was already a little hard and those combat controlls made it even harder). I really loved the zombie-mine setting, the sounds and overall atmosphere of the game. 

Loved the graphics in this game. The story set by the notes on itch page was really nice also. Unfortunately I wasn't even able to beat the first level, I know I was supposed to be a clunky robot trying desperately to survive, but still a little tutorial at the beginning of the game would sound really nice. Also wish the audio was implemented :)

Nice one. Unfortunately I was not able to finish it. Is it beatable? Loved the sounds, loved those FX and overall I really enjoyed it. 

Cute little game but hella buggy. Managed to get through, especially through the ceilings of doom😱 I liked the idea standing behind the way o killing the final boss. Loved audio and graphics too.

Looks really nice, I wish it was playable tho :)

Nice one, what I would change is that the running animation wasn't giving  enough feedback to the player (sometimes I didn't knew if Im running or not) and the backtracking if the player forget to do something felt a little frustrating. Still I played it until the end and felt that the ending was a little uneventful (but considering it's a really short game, that's understandable).

Graphics, style and sounds are the things in which this game really shines and I loved the storytelling bit too :)