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David Mills

A member registered Dec 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the support, glad you had fun!

yeah there's something else

(1 edit)

check the roof and the pool? They are random so check good!

That's a really great story

Glad you had fun, I made a few more like this about Futurama, Family Guy, American dad and even the old road runner cartoons if any of those interest you :D

ah sorry for that, glad you got it to work though!

that's not most players experience, might be a specific issue with your computer.

More of a mind virus

1) Download the game, extract it . That means double click on the .zip folder and drag the compressed folder INSIDE onto your desktop or something. 
2) Doing this will cause your computer to pop up a progress bar as it extracts if you did it right.
3) Open the folder after extracting and run the exe file.
4) You will probably get a notice from your computer about running an unknown .exe, this is normal, you have to select "run anyway" ( or your computer's equivalent) and the game should run automatically after that.

I'm not gonna kill that show - I'm just going to watch it die on it's own!

Glad you liked it, try some of the other KILLS games about other cartoons :D

Glad you liked it man, loved the video thanks for always being a fan!

It  wouldnt help much, the POV jagged lines are caused by the camera being so close too the model and overlaying the image captured on top of the screen layers, like a sticker slapped under the HUD elements. This is to keep the 3D model of the character from clipping despite getting close to things like walls or other characters. It also keeps the perspective correct when tilting the camera up and down, which you need for aiming. You can see in the Flanders and Bender games that this isn't an issue as looking up and down actually changes perspective on the characters body. Its basically an either or kind of thing. There is definitely some way to have smooth edges AND maintain the effect, plenty of games do this, but given the current method used in the kills games it's not really possible. Maybe in the future I can look into it more. Thanks for playing!

Appreciate it man always a pleasure thanks for playing!

Keep trying?

Thanks a lot for trying it out! 

Thanks a lot for giving the game a go, thanks for the video too!
If you are looking for more games I mostly do horror, some are silly like this and others are serious, good luck with the channel :D

Well my philosophy is why choose when you can have both :)

2 endings - got to look everywhere!

Cool, glad you had fun!

Just the xbox controller and some PC gamepads but those are a crapshoot tbh

I appretiate that, I didn't do FPS style games until only recently so the further back you go the more experimental it all gets!

Thanks for posting the video! I left a comment on it detailing some more info on the secrets that are currently in the game, but if you are looking for more challenge give one of my other games a try sometime :D

Hey nice username XP
Glad you had fun!

Missed out bro, but thanks for playing!

That would be fucking hysterical

Aye how about you play the new kills game instead of reposting the same one from 3 months back

Great watch, love to hear from other fans of the show especially Roger supporters! :D

Enjoyed the video, glad you found all the posters!

Keeping a light scattered patch note list going in one of the threads below with Bo55 Fatwod Official it's mostly small fixes and hidden additions beyond v.1.0.7. The new V.1.1.1 seems the most complete as of this point, can't see it changing much now ;)

Glad you had fun, try finding the poster some time, little bonus in there if you do!

V 1.1.1 adds a secret audio line that triggers when breaking any mirror the first time, also a visual "Ricky Spanish" text display on the opening cutscene

I appretiate the video man thanks a lot for playing!

(1 edit)

Oh nice run with MOM, and no just what the statue does and randomely the sign in the window of the comic shop hinting at it. Interesting fact, the statue's model is just a repurposed NED FLANDERS painted bronze and given a silly hat. Also Homer and Flanders have DEVIL costumes when hitting a hotstreak. Think that's most of the bonus stuff in that one.

EDIT:  Oh yeah, and I addressed those BLACK BARS you mentioned in your stream on the Roger game

V.1.1.0 fixes an issue I saw in a video where if more than 1 character SHOOTS the player, clone corpses drop and cause sequence breaking conditions

Yeah any new stuff I'll just update this thread. Will be cool to see that vid, Idk if you caught it but in the Bender one there was the top level with the nukes, you would be surprised how many people missed that. And if you are looking for secrets the Simpsons dolphin killing game only had like 2 people see what the statue does in the final fight. Come to think of it there's a lot of hidden stuff like that in my games.