Moonlighter Wiki
Selling Items

Items, also referred to as "artifacts", are found in Dungeons throughout the game. Moonlighter is all about the items. There is no “level progression” so having powerful equipment will be the only way to beat the game. Choosing what to keep, what to sell, what to upgrade, and selling the items at the right price will be crucial.

Each item has a base price which is initially unknown by the player. When an item is first picked an entry about it is added to a merchant notebook that Will carries with partial info about the object, resembling the current knowledge that Will has about the object.

All items belong to a culture, linked to each of the dungeons. The player will know more about an item as he obtains more items from that specific culture. All items which are part of the same culture will look alike, so it will be easy for the player to associate them. As the player knows more about the items of a culture, it will get easier for him to set the “perfect” price on the shop.

When selling items, paying attention to customers' expressions will let you know what they think about the current price of the item.

The following is a list of Items in the game Moonlighter.

Crafting Materials[ | ]

Dungeon Item NG+ Item
Golem Dungeon Broken Sword, Fabric, Foundry Rests, Golem Chisel, Hardened Steel, Iron Bar, Rich Jelly, Root, Rune Tool, Teethstone, Vine, Water Sphere, Whetstone Broken Sword +1, Fabric +1, Foundry Rests +1, Golem Chisel +1, Hardened Steel +1, Iron Bar +1, Rich Jelly +1, Root +1, Rune Tool +1, Teethstone +1, Vine +1, Water Sphere +1, Whetstone +1
Forest Dungeon Ancient Wood, Magic Wood, Old Bulb, Preserved Root, Pure Acid, Rich Jelly, Straw, Strong Leaves, Venom Jelly Ancient Wood +1, Magic Wood +1, Old Bulb +1, Preserved Root +1, Pure Acid +1, Rich Jelly +1, Straw +1, Strong Leaves +1, Venom Jelly +1
Desert Dungeon Desert Rope, Desert Steel Ingot, Fire Gem, Fire Jelly, Fireproof Cloth, Flammable Dust, Insulating Dust, Magnetite, Rich Jelly, Thermo Magnetic Engine Desert Rope +1, Desert Steel Ingot +1, Fire Gem +1, Fire Jelly +1, Fireproof Cloth +1, Flammable Dust +1, Insulating Dust +1, Magnetite +1, Rich Jelly +1, Thermo Magnetic Engine +1
Tech Dungeon Conductor Metal, Copper Reel, Electric Jelly, Gold Strands, Rich Jelly, Treated Wood, Triple Cell Battery, Welding Gun, Wires, Wolfram Rock Conductor Metal +1, Copper Reel +1, Electric Jelly +1, Gold Strands +1, Rich Jelly +1, Treated Wood +1, Triple Cell Battery +1, Welding Gun +1, Wires +1, Wolfram Rock +1
Wanderer Dungeon Ancient Sacred Volume, Carbon Fiber Plate, Dimensional Garbage, Dimensional Res. Mineral Ore, Dimensional Resistant Glass, Dimensional Resistant Metal, Fossil Bone, Heavy Metal Plates, Jewels, Small Spectral Flame Ancient Sacred Volume +1, Carbon Fiber Plate +1, Dimensional Garbage +1, Dimensional Res. Mineral Ore +1, Dimensional Resistant Glass +1, Dimensional Resistant Metal +1, Fossil Bone +1, Heavy Metal Plates +1, Jewels +1, Small Spectral Flame +1

List of Items[ | ]

A list of items. Use the search bar to find a specific one. The culture indicates which dungeon you can find the item in.

Item Culture Stack Perfect Normal Price High Price Perfect Price NG+
Item Culture Stack Perfect Normal Price High Price Perfect Price NG+
AC Adapter Tech 5 17,105 20,993 95,787
Ancient Pot Golem 5 110 135 615
Ancient Sacred Volume Interdimensional 5 19,883 24,402 111,344
Ancient Wood Forest 5 1,100 1,350 6,159
Argon Bottle Tech 5 13,255 16,268 74,227
Bard Puppet Egg Desert 1 0 0 -1
Blade Leaves Forest 10 330 405 1,847
Blade Tree Sprout Egg Forest 1 0 0 -1
Bomb Detonator Interdimensional 5 8,498 10,430 47,588
Bone Fragment Interdimensional 10 2,558 3,140 14,324
Bone Sword Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Botany Jottings I Forest 5 2,200 2,700 12,319
Botany Jottings II Forest 5 2,200 2,700 12,319
Botany Jottings III Forest 5 2,200 2,700 12,319
Broken Battery Tech 10 3,135 3,848 17,555
Broken Club Merchant 1 330 405 1,847
Broken Crossbow Merchant 1 11,000 13,500 61,599
Broken Dagger Merchant 1 22,000 27,000 123,199
Broken Katana Merchant 1 2,200 2,700 12,319
Broken Mace Merchant 1 330 405 1,847
Broken Morningstar Merchant 1 11,000 13,500 61,599
Broken Rapier Merchant 1 2,200 2,700 12,319
Broken Sling Merchant 1 330 405 1,847
Broken Sword Golem 5 165 203 923
Broken Whip Merchant 1 22,000 27,000 123,199
Carbon Fiber Plate Interdimensional 5 4,703 5,772 26,336
Carnivorous Mutae Jottings Forest 5 5,500 6,750 30,799
Carnivorous Mutae Seeds Forest 5 5,500 6,750 30,799
Chilled Lava Desert 5 2,750 3,375 15,399
Cloth Dye Desert 5 3,025 3,713 16,939
Coins Interdimensional 5 12,540 15,390 70,223
Composite Bow Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Conductor Metal Tech 10 660 810 3,695
Copper Reel Tech 5 8,250 10,125 46,199
Crystal Rock Golem 10 83 102 464
Crystal Shards Tech 10 550 675 3,079
Crystallized Energy Golem 10 110 135 615
Desert Baby Slime Egg Desert 1 0 0 -1
Desert History I Desert 5 16,500 20,250 92,399
Desert History II Desert 5 16,500 20,250 92,399
Desert History III Desert 5 16,500 20,250 92,399
Desert Lava Idol Interdimensional 5 24,007 29,464 134,439
Desert Rope Desert 5 495 608 2,771
Desert Steel Ingot Desert 5 8,250 10,125 46,199
Desert Steel Sheet Desert 10 2,750 3,375 15,399
Desert Stone Desert 5 2,970 3,645 16,631
Diamagnetic Sand Desert 10 550 675 3,079
Dimensional Fungus Interdimensional 10 12,540 15,390 70,223
Dimensional Garbage Interdimensional 5 12,540 15,390 70,223
Dimensional Res. Mineral Ore Interdimensional 5 12,540 15,390 70,223
Dimensional Resistant Glass Interdimensional 5 19,883 24,402 111,344
Dimensional Resistant Metal Interdimensional 10 8,498 10,430 47,588
Dimensional Suit Fabric ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Electric Jelly Merchant 10 440 540 2,463
Empowering Crystal Merchant 5 110 135 615
Energy Capacitor Tech 5 4,950 6,075 27,719
Explosive Bow Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Fabric Golem 5 275 338 1,539
Fertile Soil Forest 5 1,100 1,350 6,159
Fertilizer Forest 5 1,100 1,350 6,159
Fire Gem Desert 10 1,870 2,295 10,471
Fire Jelly Merchant 10 110 135 615
Fireproof Cloth Desert 10 1,265 1,553 7,083
Flammable Dust Desert 10 440 540 2,463
Fluid Conduct Desert 5 4,015 4,928 22,483
Fluid Vessel Forest 5 1,705 2,093 9,547
Flux Energy Jottings Tech 5 44,000 54,000 246,399
Flying Golem Egg Golem 1 0 0 -1
Forest Baby Slime Egg Forest 1 0 0 -1
Forest Fruits Forest 5 1,980 2,430 11,087
Forest History I Forest 5 5,500 6,750 30,799
Forest History II Forest 5 5,500 6,750 30,799
Forest History III Forest 5 5,500 6,750 30,799
Forest Wood Figure Interdimensional 5 24,007 29,464 134,439
Fossil Bone Interdimensional 5 12,540 15,390 70,223
Foundry Rests Golem 5 165 203 923
Gas Spear Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Gas Suit Egg Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Ghost Gauntlets Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Ghost in a Bottle ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Glass Lenses Golem 5 110 135 615
Gold Feather ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Gold Runes Golem 5 330 405 1,847
Gold Strands Tech 10 2,310 2,835 12,935
Golem Baby Slime Egg Golem 1 0 0 -1
Golem Chisel Golem 5 550 675 3,079
Golem Core Golem 5 110 135 615
Golem Designs I Golem 5 1,650 2,025 9,239
Golem Designs II Golem 5 1,650 2,025 9,239
Golem Designs III Golem 5 1,650 2,025 9,239
Golem History I Golem 1 2,750 3,375 15,399
Golem History II Golem 1 2,750 3,375 15,399
Golem History III Golem 1 2,750 3,375 15,399
Golem King Energy Crystal Golem 5 2,750 3,375 15,399
Golem King Jottings Golem 5 2,750 3,375 15,399
Golem Statue Interdimensional 5 24,007 29,464 134,439
Golem Turret Egg Golem 1 0 0 -1
Golem Volume Golem 5 440 540 2,463
Graaf Generator Egg Tech 1 0 0 -1
Guidance Desert Potion Merchant 5 8,800 10,800 49,279
Guidance Forest Potion Merchant 5 2,750 3,375 15,399
Guidance Golem Potion Merchant 5 440 540 2,463
Guidance Tech Potion Merchant 5 17,600 21,600 98,559
Hardened Steel Golem 5 330 405 1,847
Heavy Metal Plates Interdimensional 10 4,703 5,772 26,336
High Levitation Core Desert 5 16,500 20,250 92,399
HP Potion I Merchant 5 768 943 4,300
HP Potion II Merchant 5 880 1,080 4,927
HP Potion III Merchant 5 3,300 4,050 18,479
HP Potion IV Merchant 5 8,800 10,800 49,279
HP Potion V Merchant 5 8,250 10,125 46,199
HP Potion VI Merchant 5 10,725 13,163 60,059
HP Potion VII Merchant 5 13,200 16,200 73,919
HP Potion VIII Merchant 5 16,500 20,250 92,399
Hyper Potion Merchant 5 22,572 27,702 126,403
Inflammable Liquid Desert 5 4,950 6,075 27,719
Insulating Dust Desert 10 2,255 2,768 12,627
Iron Bar Golem 10 28 35 156
Jewels Interdimensional 5 19,883 24,402 111,344
Life Fluid Forest 10 440 540 2,463
Light Essence Forest 5 440 540 2,463
Light Power Crystal ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Magic Mushroom Forest 10 66 81 369
Magic Wood Forest 10 110 135 615
Magnemite Desert 10 880 1,080 4,927
Magnetic Core Desert 10 330 405 1,847
Magnetic Tool Desert 5 7,150 8,775 40,039
Mechanic Big Sword Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Mercury Tech 10 1,705 2,093 9,547
Mimic Egg Merchant 1 0 0 -1
Modified Seeds Forest 5 935 1,148 5,235
Monster Skull Interdimensional 5 2,558 3,140 14,324
Morning Star Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Mother Golem Egg Desert 1 0 0 -1
Naja Jottings Desert 5 16,500 20,250 92,399
Nutritive Water Forest 5 1,925 2,363 10,779
Obsidian Rock ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Old Bulb Forest 5 2,200 2,700 12,319
Old Golem Minion Design Golem 5 440 540 2,463
Petals Forest 10 110 135 615
Plant Flesh Forest 10 66 81 369
Plasma Charge ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Plastic Cloth Interdimensional 10 4,703 5,772 26,336
Plastic Film Tech 5 2,420 2,970 13,551
Poison Treated Glass ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Power Supply Tech 5 16,005 19,643 89,627
Preserved Root Forest 5 660 810 3,695
Pure Acid Forest 10 440 540 2,463
Recharger Egg Tech 1 0 0 -1
Resistant Glass Desert 5 4,730 5,805 26,487
Reveal Desert Potion Merchant 5 17,600 21,600 98,559
Reveal Forest Potion Merchant 5 5,500 6,750 30,799
Reveal Golem Potion Merchant 5 880 1,080 4,927
Reveal Tech Potion Merchant 5 35,200 43,200 197,119
Rich Jelly Merchant 10 6 8 33
Root Golem 10 6 8 33
Rune Tool Golem 1 1,650 2,025 9,239
Shock Absorb Material ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Small Spectral Flame Interdimensional 5 4,703 5,772 26,336
Soldering Iron Desert 5 5,885 7,223 32,955
Speed Powder Forest 5 2,200 2,700 12,319
Spike Chain Egg Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Spore Sword Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Staff Spear Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Straw Forest 5 550 675 3,079
Strong Leaves Forest 10 440 540 2,463
Tech Explosive ICT 5 55,000 67,500 307,999
Tech History I Tech 5 44,000 54,000 246,399
Tech History II Tech 5 44,000 54,000 246,399
Tech History III Tech 5 44,000 54,000 246,399
Tech Recycled Metal Ball Interdimensional 5 24,007 29,464 134,439
Teethstone Golem 10 6 8 33
Tesla Baby Slime Egg Tech 1 0 0 -1
Tesla Coil Engine Tech 10 5,500 6,750 30,799
Thermo Magnetic Engine Desert 5 10,120 12,420 56,671
Thief Gloves Blueprint Interdimensional 1 0 0 -1
Toxic Liquid Interdimensional 5 2,558 3,140 14,324
Treated Wood Tech 5 5,665 6,953 31,723
Triple Cell Battery Tech 5 11,000 13,500 61,599
Tungsten Reel Tech 5 9,460 11,610 52,975
Vacuum Tube Tech 5 7,590 9,315 42,503
Venom Jelly Merchant 10 22 27 123
Venomous Spores Forest 10 66 81 369
Vine Golem 10 3 4 16
Volcanic Stone Desert 10 110 135 615
Water Lamp Golem 5 275 338 1,539
Water Sphere Golem 10 110 135 615
Welding Gun Tech 5 12,815 15,728 71,763
Welding Rods Tech 10 3,740 4,590 20,943
Whetstone Golem 10 17 21 95
White Stone Golem 5 275 338 1,539
Wind Tree Sprout Egg Forest 1 0 0 -1
Wires Tech 10 2,805 3,443 15,707
Wolfram Rock Tech 5 6,985 8,573 39,115

A list of armor and weapons. Use the search bar to find a specific one. All belong to the Merchant Culture.

Item Type Tier Perfect Normal Price High Price
Item Type Tier Perfect Normal Price High Price
Bone Sword Sword and Shield
Composite Bow Bow
Explosive Bow Bow
Gas Spear Spear
Ghost Gloves Gloves
Mechanic Big Sword Big Sword
Morning Star Big Sword
Spore Sword Sword and Shield
Staff Spear Spear
Thief Gauntlet Gloves
Broom Spear Spear 0 55 68
Training Big Sword Big Sword 0 1,100 1,350
Training Bow Bow 0 1,100 1,350
Training Gloves Gloves 0 1,100 1,350
Training Short Sword Sword and Shield 0 1,100 1,350
Training Spear Spear 0 1,100 1,350
Buster Big Sword Big Sword 1 4,400 5,400
Catapult Bow Bow 1 4,400 5,400
Composite Armor Boots Boots 1 475,200 583,200
Composite Armor Chestplate Chestplate 1 501,600 615,600
Composite Armor Helmet Helmet 1 501,600 615,600
Ether Sable Sword and Shield 1 501,600 615,600
Fabric Bandana Helmet 1 4,400 5,400
Fabric Boots Boots 1 4,400 5,400
Fabric Chestplate Chestplate 1 4,400 5,400
Fighter Gloves Gloves 1 4,400 5,400
Golem Drill Spear Spear 1 4,400 5,400
Hero's Bow Bow 1 4,400 5,400
Hero's Sword Sword and Shield 1 4,400 5,400
Hunter Bow Bow 1 4,400 5,400
Iron Boots Boots 1 4,400 5,400
Iron Chestplate Chestplate 1 4,400 5,400
Iron Helmet Helmet 1 4,400 5,400
Master Fists Gloves 1 501,600 615,600
Ragnarok Big Sword Big Sword 1 501,600 615,600
Rock Big Sword Big Sword 1 4,400 5,400
Rough Gloves Gloves 1 4,400 5,400
Runic Bow Bow 1 501,600 615,600
Rusty Short Sword Sword and Shield 1 4,400 5,400
Soldier Short Sword Sword and Shield 1 4,400 5,400
Steel Boots Boots 1 4,400 5,400
Steel Chestplate Chestplate 1 4,400 5,400
Steel Helmet Helmet 1 4,400 5,400
Valkyrie Spear Spear 1 501,600 615,600
Warrior Spear Spear 1 4,400 5,400
Composite Armor Boots II Boots 2 556,600 683,100
Composite Armor Chestplate II Chestplate 2 556,600 683,100
Composite Armor Helmet II Helmet 2 556,600 683,100
Ether Sable II Sword and Shield 2 556,600 683,100
Fabric Bandana II Helmet 2 48,400 59,400
Fabric Boots II Boots 2 48,400 59,400
Fabric Chestplate II Chestplate 2 48,400 59,400
Forest Spirit Gloves Gloves 2 70,400 86,400
Hero's Bow II Bow 2 70,400 86,400
Hero's Sword II Sword and Shield 2 70,400 86,400
Iron Boots II Boots 2 48,400 59,400
Iron Chestplate II Chestplate 2 48,400 59,400
Iron Helmet II Helmet 2 48,400 59,400
Knight Short Sword Sword and Shield 2 70,400 86,400
Master Fists II Gloves 2 556,600 683,100
Natural Bow Bow 2 70,400 86,400
Poison Bow Bow 2 70,400 86,400
Ragnarok Big Sword II Big Sword 2 556,600 683,100
Runic Bow II Bow 2 556,600 683,100
Steel Boots II Boots 2 48,400 59,400
Steel Chestplate II Chestplate 2 48,400 59,400
Steel Helmet II Helmet 2 48,400 59,400
Toxic Big Sword Big Sword 2 70,400 86,400
Valkyrie Spear II Spear 2 556,600 683,100
Venom Short Sword Sword and Shield 2 70,400 86,400
Venom Sting Spear Spear 2 70,400 86,400
Venom Twins Gloves Gloves 2 70,400 86,400
Wild Big Sword Big Sword 2 70,400 86,400
Wood's Spear Spear 2 70,400 86,400
Blaze Big Sword Big Sword 3 281,600 345,600
Captain Gloves Gloves 3 281,600 345,600
Commander Short Sword Sword and Shield 3 281,600 345,600
Composite Armor Boots III Boots 3 611,600 750,600
Composite Armor Chestplate III Chestplate 3 611,600 750,600
Composite Armor Helmet III Helmet 3 611,600 750,600
Ether Sable III Sword and Shield 3 611,600 750,600
Fabric Bandana III Helmet 3 105,600 129,600
Fabric Boots III Boots 3 105,600 129,600
Fabric Chestplate III Chestplate 3 105,600 129,600
Flame Gloves Gloves 3 281,600 345,600
Flamethrower Bow Bow 3 281,600 345,600
Hell Spear Spear 3 281,600 345,600
Hero's Bow III Bow 3 281,600 345,600
Hero's Sword III Sword and Shield 3 281,600 345,600
Iron Boots III Boots 3 105,600 129,600
Iron Chestplate III Chestplate 3 105,600 129,600
Iron Helmet III Helmet 3 105,600 129,600
Master Fists III Gloves 3 611,600 750,600
Monkey Spear Spear 3 281,600 345,600
Ragnarok Big Sword III Big Sword 3 611,600 750,600
Reborn Short Sword Sword and Shield 3 281,600 345,600
Runic Bow III Bow 3 611,600 750,600
Soldier Bow Bow 3 281,600 345,600
Steel Boots III Boots 3 105,600 129,600
Steel Chestplate III Chestplate 3 105,600 129,600


Related achievements[ | ]

Icon Name Description
Evil Merchant Evil Merchant Sell 20 items slightly overpriced
Good Merchant Good Merchant Sell 20 items for the perfect price
Naive Merchant Naive Merchant Sell 40 items really cheap
Wastefull Merchant Wasteful Merchant Buy more than 10 items on Le Retailer

See also[ | ]
