Feature Ideas

  1. Submit button options

    Please add a rounded border to the button options

    Katia K
    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨


  2. Add Cloudflare Turnstile

    Add Cloudflare Turnstile as a method of countering the bots for Forms and Comments sections as you have done with reCAPTCHA? It is doing better Job to stop the Bots attacks and the same tine does not affect the score of the website in Pagespeed Insights.

    #Integration 🔗


  3. form with conditional

    To direct the response according to the user's choice

    Paulo A


  4. dark mode menu

    I would like to be able to change colours in the dark menu, especially in the dark mode. There is no such option now :)

    #Styling 🎨


  5. Equal Distance Between Tabs with img align centre.

    Please see in Attached image there should be a option for equal distance between tabs i try to create a round tabs background look i can't achieve it with margin and padding because it applies on all tabs we need margin padding for each tab so we can achieve desire style or distance between tabs option aligns centre

    man s
    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨


  6. Sidebar

    Sidebar is needed for all devices



  7. Email Validation - Form Builder

    Emails are essential for website owners to get back in contact with the one filling it out. However, forms are also a target for spam. Currently, email input areas on form builder don't have email validation allowing single characters to be submitted to bypass the email required fields. Please add email validation! Otherwise, what's the point of distinguishing it from a regular text input....

    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨#Integration 🔗


  8. Enable equal height option

    Coz height variation comes when we add more in a single column



  9. Product Filter

    Would like horizontal orientation options for the look

    Sung H


  10. Sort Image Grid/Slider/Carousel filter categories

    It would be great if we would be able to sort the categories in filters by ourselves. Because right now it filters alphabetically, and sometimes you need to sort those categories differently. Hadn't found a solution how to fix it yet.

    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨


  11. Wishlist and compare

    I need to find Wishlist and compare in the plugin

    Omar A


  12. Import Data to Table with upload csv allow custom DataType,

    I would like it to be possible to import a csv table to the Custom DataType Mode so that I can modify each line individually, the font coloring, and the styles without being in a general and uniform way, because the current mode only allows uploading the file and it does not allow customizing the style of rows and columns individually as in the Custom DataType mode, it would be enough to allow uploading a .CSV file to load the "Custom DataType" data

    Cassio Sousa dos S
    #Idea 💡


  13. Multilingual integration

    Building multilingual websites

    #Misc 🤷‍♂️


  14. Woo Grid/Slider/Carousel

    The like function now only shows the amount of likes. It would be nice to expand this function with a save / favourite option. So you can see all the products you liked / saved. indicated as 'featured' will have a green border and a custom label like 'featured' of 'most popular'.

    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨


  15. AJAX Search Option to disable Description

    So far it is only possible to show / disable thumbnails but not the description. When I set Description Number of Words to 0 it still shows empty space, thats why it would be great to disable it completely.

    #Idea 💡#Integration 🔗
