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IOS Scene Kit not Animating asset from Blender

What I'm trying to do is show a 3D animation asset that I downloaded from Sketchfab and imported into Xcode. Here's a video of how the asset looks in Xcode's 3D Editor: Then I implemented it using ...
Godofsleepy's user avatar
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In the open-source library Filament, how do you set a pure white background for a Skybox?

I am currently using the iOS demo code hello-gltf. I have modified the setupIbl function in App.cpp. Here is the modified code: void App::setupIbl() { const uint32_t textureSize = 1; ...
user847556's user avatar
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Unity AR: Objects and physics are relative to the phone coordinate system but should be relative to the real world

All the objects, planes, and also physics in my Unity AR Core project are relative to the MainCamera. If I move the camera, the objects stay at the same relative position to the camera but should ...
neuralBuilder's user avatar
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Interacting Programmatically with a Spline 3D Scene in SwiftUI (iOS)

I'm new to the Spline 3D framework and I'm wondering if it's possible to interact programmatically with a Spline 3D scene in a SwiftUI environment on iOS. Specifically, I would like to: Change the ...
Dubon Ya'ar's user avatar
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Applying post-processing to SceneKit's Scene and saving it to a USDZ file

I am fairly new to 3D model rendering and do not know where to start. I am trying to, ideally with ARKit & RealityKit or SceneKit, do a scan of an environment. This includes: Applying realistic ...
David Koch's user avatar
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ParticleUniforms to MDLMesh

I am working on 3D iOS Scanner with Lidar and I try to extract pointcloud data in particle uniforms to 3D object and export it as OBJ. But I don't know how. Any way to convert particle uniforms to ...
Juli Yanti's user avatar
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3D flip Animation in react native

I am researching on how to develop smooth flip transition of 3D Tiles. I have shared the sample UI for mobile app.UI.UX Tile Design Till now I leanred following methods to do so, but before ...
Asad Ullah Shaban's user avatar
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Extract the 3D stereo images from a 3D video in MV-HEVC format

I would like extract the both 3D stereo images (left/right) from a 3D spatial video in MV-HEVC format. I use code, iOS, Objective-C. Here is my code to read a 2D video: NSURL *inputVideoURL = [NSURL ...
pocketkai's user avatar
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Metal is premultiplying texture alpha between fragment attachment & fragment shader arg— why?

I'm convinced that Metal is alpha-premultiplying my texture at some point between the attachment commandEncoder.setFragmentTexture(…, index: 0) and the fragment shader's arguments (texture2d<float&...
Slipp D. Thompson's user avatar
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3d Models in flutter

I am using model_viewer_plus: ^1.7.0 in flutter to display 3d objects but I need a way to select the different objects and cant seem to find a way to do this. So I have tried flutter_cube but that has ...
Firemanza's user avatar
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Trying to build from Unity to Xcode for a 3D Scanning app

I've built a small app that uses the iPhone's 3D scanning functionalities. I was able to do exactly what I did to build this app and run it previously and everything was fine, but now when I try it ...
Flurrshify's user avatar
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Realitykit: how to modify/rig a 3D model?

I have bought a 3D model in Blender format about a clock with a button for my iOS app with RealityKit. I could convert the model into USD format (to use with RealityKit) then load, display, resize, ...
Tony's user avatar
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TrueDepth to real point cloud

I am trying to convert TrueDepth depth maps into point clouds. Is there any way to transform TrueDepth camera depth map into a real size point cloud using provided by Apple intrinsics? Other questions ...
ubermensch's user avatar
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Is there any way to invert/flip the result figure?

Using iOS - Swift Xcode 14 I have drawn an image using some points... and I got an image as output. But the image is an inverted or a flipped image. I used several code for flipping/Inverting the ...
JESTIN SAJI's user avatar
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Blender to Xcode through baking textures

We are facing an issue where our Blender model looks significantly different when converted from .dae to .scn format for use in Xcode. We have followed the necessary steps for texture baking and file ...
Tario You's user avatar
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