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Is there any app or website which I can integrate in my own website/app where user can visualize room's wall colors and tiles and other decorations

I'm looking for an online, free app or platform where I can upload photos of a room and experiment with different wall colors, floor tiles, window and door styles, and other decorative elements. The ...
Skb_Developer's user avatar
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Getting uniform coordinates from a 3D plane projected as a 2D plane

3d plane projected to a 2d polygon I have the coordinates of the vertexes P1, P2, P3 and P4 that define a rectangular rectangle. Those coordinates always define a regular rectangular area and the ...
Rui Batista's user avatar
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camera project image onto CAD object

I am trying to project on image onto a CAD object using python. I know it is possible in Blender or other 3d softwares, but was trying to find a way to do it in python. Does anyone have any ...
Nikita Belooussov's user avatar
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Colouring a surface using Mesh3d in python plotly

I would aim to colour a surface in a 3D plot, created using plotly.graph_objects. I worked on an approach incorporating Mesh3d, the code runs, but the wanted surface is still not coloured. What is the ...
Márton Horváth's user avatar
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How Can I Know If An Object Is Illuminated? [closed]

I'm making a 3D game in Unity, to this game I want to add solar panels. As you all know in order for solar panels to work they need to be in direct sunlight. I want to implement this behavior to my ...
IthamarB's user avatar
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MultiPage image (tiff) to 3D and loaded by OpenGL [closed]

Can anyone help out on this issue: Convert a multipage image file (tiff) to 3D model so as to be opened in OpenGL, then drag, rotate and zoom it just like 3D EDA softwares such as Solidworks. My tiff ...
Jack Zhu's user avatar
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How do I make a mesh with an EdgesGeometry always on top but still make the outline behind the mesh hidden?

How to make the box on the right? I used depthTest false on the box and its outline to make it always on top of other mesh but the outline is now ignoring the box depth. Here is the sample code the ...
Jackson's user avatar
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Implementation of 3D line clipping (Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm) - Stuck in infinite loop

I have followed instructions from Cohen–Sutherland algorithm to implement this. Normally clipping algorithm works just fine. But sometimes it get stuck in infinite loop with some lines while clipping ...
Shail's user avatar
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Matrix Transformations Are Not Working On My Cylinder - C RayTracer

I'm making a simple raytracer in C, and so far, I've succeeded in rendering spheres, and even transforming them to my liking. With cylinders on the other hand, no matter what type of transformations I ...
Astranged T'fyer's user avatar
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Web based subtraction methods for 3D STL models but how?

I'm trying to subtract an imported STL model's volume from another imported STL model. Finally, I'm wondering to achieve a gap on base model's volume according to the 3D location of other model. In ...
Levent Aydın's user avatar
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rotation components of an object relative to the camera

I'm displaying billboard quads in perspective projection, where I'm simulating 3d objects using spritesheets. the individual frames in the sprite sheet are the object as seen from different ...
Jakob's user avatar
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texture bug when use ShaderMaterial in three.js

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; import { Canvas, useFrame, useThree } from '@react-three/fiber'; import { OrbitControls } from '@react-three/drei'; import { useLoader } from '@react-...
Emen's user avatar
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How is the following anti-aliasing technique called if it even exists and how effective is it?

I've seen a couple takes on aa-techniques and I wanted to see what types of AA there are. I got an idea on an anti aliasing technique but when looking at the existing ones I didn't see anyone doing my ...
Mtreitor's user avatar
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Why does plot3 only show axes in GNU Octave?

We want to make a 3D plot of values that are calculated by GNU Octave. It only shows us the axes of the graph, no dots. When making a normal 2D plot (i.e. plot (x,y)) everything works normally. The ...
Loci's user avatar
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How do I Fix this blue color and ramdomized coloring on donut icing

I am currently learning blender as a beginner with blender guru tutorial and I came up with an issue with random color on incing on second donut and also there is some other issue also persist with ...
user17086391's user avatar

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