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3D plot of GAMM with a 4-way interaction

I am running a GAMM to test how the likelihood of a response variable varies according to a predictive variable, date, and geographical coordinates of each sampled point. For this, I built the ...
Teresa's user avatar
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Is there an R function to draw ellipsoids (or any kind of surrounding) to clusters in 3 dimensions? [closed]

Withing R, I would like to make clusters in three dimensions more visible by drawing a semi transparent ellipsoid around them (or encircle them somehow). Here's an example using R internal iris data ...
panuffel's user avatar
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Using rgl's extrude3d() function to make a 3D mesh from polygons in R

I'm trying to make a 3D OBJ file using R. My initial data is a Geopackage with multiple polygons. And I want to 'extrude' each polygon to make them 3d. The extrude amount should be determined by the ...
elwwan's user avatar
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R - Plotly : How to reverse trace appearance and unify axes?

I have generated this 3D line plot. I'd like to code somethings: I want the traces to be reversed by hour. For instance: The line at Hour 0 is towards the front and the line at hour 4 is at the back. ...
strummy99's user avatar
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3d Surface plots in R - conversion from dataframe to matrix for plot_ly [closed]

Does anyone have any advice, or can point me to a resource, to help with converting a dataframe to a matrix for use in a plot_ly 3d surface graph? There are a few questions similar to this, but none ...
5imon's user avatar
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From hypervolume to 3D solid graph RStudio

I'm looking for an advice about how to do something similar to the following 3D graph using the package Hypervolume and rgl, to display the hypervolume overlap between my data.: I'm running the ...
Manuela Portas's user avatar
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How to solve issue with brainconn issue

I am trying to run the following code: #install.packages("remotes") #remotes::install_github("sidchop/brainconn") library(brainconn) x <- example_unweighted_undirected ...
12666727b9's user avatar
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Connecting all points with lines in 3D plots in R

I am trying to make a 3D plot where all pairs of points would be connected by a line. The closer I can get is what follows (i.e., using type = "b"), but that only plots the "path", ...
Ladislas Nalborczyk's user avatar
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3D surface won't show data on plotly

I have been trying to plot my data (uploaded CSV file) on a 3D surface in plotly. The graph shows as empty (labels, title, legend etc all fine), is there anything missing from my code? library(plotly) ...
user23841248's user avatar
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How to use point shapes other than spheres in rgl?

I'm trying to illustrate the idea of projections using points on a cube, shown with rgl and what that looks like in various 2D projections. My goal is to use different colors and shapes to distinguish ...
user101089's user avatar
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How can I add contour lines to a 3d plot built with persp()?

I am trying to plot a 3D chart of the function x^2+y^2 and add the contour lines to try to have the same aspect as this figure built with Matlab: However, I am not able to add the contour lines, the ...
José's user avatar
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Multi-layer 3D surface with plotly

for the following data I am trying to create a 3D surface plot with x=alpha, y=lambda and z=RMSE. For each gamma I want to have on separate surface in the graph. I tried the following code to create ...
Joe94's user avatar
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How to add gridlines to mesh3d in plotly R

I can not add a wireframe appearance to mesh3d plots (gridlines on x and y axes) using the plotly package in R. The contours = list(y = list(show = TRUE), x = list(show = TRUE)) argument from plotly's ...
U. Mena's user avatar
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Is there an R-package to make a spatial 3D visualization of layers, including the subsurface?

I want to make a 3D map of a specific sampling site, having the digital terrain model in 3D at the top and add additionally soil layers in their corresponding depth in the subsurface- simliar to what ...
Annika_'s user avatar
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3d scatter plot into 3d surface plot in R

I have a function that returns an estimate (est) for values of x,y and z. I am aiming for a 3d plot to visualise the relationship between x,y,z (axes) and est (color gradient). It seems to work for a ...
CyG's user avatar
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