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CalcDistance Deprecated: How to Calculate Vector Distance in Milvus SDK?

I encountered an error when trying to calculate the distance between two vectors using the CalcDistance(): service unavailable: CalcDistance deprecated. I am using milvus-sdk-go version v2.4.1 and ...
user15860511's user avatar
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Interface for sequenced list

I have a property in a class that is a sequence of items, like: private LinkedList<T?> valueHistory = new (); public IEnumerable<T?> ValueHistory { get => valueHistory; } public ...
Geoff's user avatar
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Milvus: What password is required to start the script? [closed]

I have deployed Milvus on GKE using the Milvus Operator with the image milvusdb/milvus:v2.4.4-gpu. My setup includes two node pools: one with 4 e2-highmem-8 nodes and another with 2 n1-highmem-8 nodes ...
Eureka's user avatar
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What is the most efficient way of getting an empty array in C# in terms of time and space?

let's say I need an empty array of a Book class in C#. public class Book { public string Title { get; set; } public Author Author { get; set; } } I found the following 3 options to achieve ...
Pavel Foltyn's user avatar
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Verifying all objects in a Kotlin collection match without overriding equals

I am working on a kotlin function that needs to verify that all objects in a collection have the same value for a particular property. Normally I would simply use distinctBy() and check that the size ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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Synchronized HashMap in multithreaded environment is not working [closed]

I have a scenario where I need the maximum size of my HashMap to be 10000. Any records inserted further should remove the oldest entry and proceed to insert. It is for a multithreaded scenario. I am ...
user3201343's user avatar
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Using foreach loop on Dictionary<>

When I was trying to use foreach loop with classes or a value type I was doing it like that foreach(int item in items) { //rest of the code } However when I tried to loop the Dictionary like that ...
AB_ OBADA 's user avatar
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Append Queries not in qdefs collection? [closed]

I want to compile a list of metadata about queries within an MS Access DB. For each query I want a listing of the query's fields. The database I'm working in has three kinds of queries: Append, ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Is there a List with indexing possibilities?

I currently have the following kind of code: List<Product> products = Db.GetAllProducts(database); foreach (var part in ListOfParts) { if (part.ProductId != null) { if (products....
Dominique's user avatar
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Why do I have this error that says array list is not generic? [duplicate]

My code: package org.asvm.colecciones.ejemplo.set; import org.asvm.colecciones.ejemplo.modelo.Alumno; import java.util.*; public class EjemploListComparableComparator { public static void main(...
Quenuo's user avatar
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How to pass a complex data structure in a callback from an AAR (Kotlin)

I have written an AAR in Kotlin, which has a function that: takes a list of BLE devices also takes a list of messages (byte arrays) and tries to send all the messages to all the devices - at the end ...
Kibi's user avatar
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A pithy way to obtain the largest amongst a set of comparables

Context: Modern java (the latest version; JDK23 at time of writing this question) Given 2 objects that are comparable (implement Comparable<T>, where T is a type they all share), how does one ...
rzwitserloot's user avatar
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I am trying to connect to the database and pull my collections from the database

I want to connect to the database and pull my collection from the database Error message: java: cannot find symbol symbol: method create(java.lang.String) location: interface com.mongodb.client....
Ade's user avatar
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Having trouble storing collection metadata apart from using an external database

It looks like there is not a practical way to store some metadata for a collection, which is something I would like to do. System properties are stored in the 'properties' field; unfortunately, Milvus ...
rachel song's user avatar
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Iterating and Counting Records in Milvus Collection without Double Connection

I am trying to iterate through all records in my collection, so here is the code I attempted: source_collection = Collection(source["collection"], using="source") iterator = ...
Trevor Miller's user avatar

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