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Compute shader occlusion test only works with scene camera

Using Unity 2022.3.40f1 and URP. I'm trying to implement occlusion culling with the depth buffer in a compute shader. I don't know what's wrong here but my code only works fine with the scene camera ...
Buttermilch's user avatar
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Raymarching compute shader error in Unity VR

I am trying to apply a raymarching shader to my Unity VR project. It is supposed to apply a shader to particles that represent a fluid using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics. However, I am running into ...
pa87901's user avatar
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Perform multiple lines in atomic way in compute shader

I am implementing a marching cubes algorithm in Unity using a compute shader. In my current implementation all the necessary data is stored in RWStructuredBuffer's with a theoretical maximum size. The ...
Ben's user avatar
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Unity: Set a mesh directly on the GPU

In unity I'm constructing a mesh on the GPU. Currently, I have to write the vertices / indices back to the CPU before setting them again in the mesh. This is very inefficient and takes about 90% of ...
Jimmy Diddler's user avatar
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Unity compute shader thread syncing issue

So I am writing a marching cubes compute shader. It’s going reasonably well and does work. I am in the processing of modifying it to remove all duplicate vertices. I want to do this in the shader. I ...
VVJ21's user avatar
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How do I achieve the ping-ponging technique in HLSL compute shaders?

I am doing a fluid simulation, and implementing such simulation with the CPU is very slow, especially when the simulation grid size gets bigger or is a 3d grid. So I used shaders to get the ...
Mohamad T Shehab's user avatar
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Load raw texture data / Getting data from compute shader

Overview I have been working on a compute shader for awhile now. Initially it would take in 1 camera feed of 320x256 pixels. This all works great. Now I want to be able to handle multiple cameras, ...
Lilly's user avatar
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I keep getting this strange error "undeclared identifier"

So Im trying to make a compute shader for my unity game, and I keep getting this strange error: Shader error in 'PathTracing': undeclared identifier 'intersectionPos' at kernel CSMain at PathTracing....
Cracker 83's user avatar
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Compute Buffer of bytes to RWTexture2D float4 in Compute Shader

I'm struggling with a Compute Shader whose purpose is to take a byte array of rgba values and write them to a render texture. I'm passing in ints (as I don't believe I can use byte itself) to the ...
arvinkx's user avatar
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Incorrect Frustum Culling behavior

I've written a C# script and a Compute Shader that should cull the instances that are not visible by the camera. The instances are getting culled but with some weird behavior - sometimes not getting ...
Zbajnek's user avatar
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ComputeShader in Unity : Why are the values all wrong?

Here's how the object is defined in C#, for Unity to be able to work with it : (please note: I left all fields -- even the ones not used in this question -- in case the issue was in an seemingly-...
jeancallisti's user avatar
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In a tree structure in Unity / C#, how do you sum calculated values from root to leaves using ComputeShaders?

This wouldn't be too hard if this wasn't mixing several worlds : the world of algorithmics, the world of C# and the world of compute shaders (in Unity). EDIT: This is somewhat related. My scenario is ...
jeancallisti's user avatar
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Compute shaders : How do you pass not-so-regular structures as parameters?

I am working in C#, with Unity. I have created a compute shader to which I want to pass my array of C# data structures. That's when I realized I might have gone overboard with fancy data structures, ...
jeancallisti's user avatar
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Unity compute shader make pixels look weird

I am trying to generate sand with mouse input, and the behavior of the sand falling down one dot at a time in Compute Shader.but it is not working. Here is the code. ...
studio NY's user avatar
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Compute Shaders - Integers >= 65535 Issue?

I'm not very experienced with compute shaders but right now I'm having to write some for the sake of performance. I've got a simple kernel method in my compute shader here that just reinterprets a ...
Spring E. Thing's user avatar

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