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How and in what way are shaders executed? [closed]

I'm trying to learn the theory behind how shaders work and am still very confused on how shaders are executed. Initially, I thought shaders would assign each vertex with a specific color then the ...
Bob the Builder's user avatar
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Custom Shader with URP

I am using a custom shader for a mesh, which is basically a "sight-blocker" to other meshes. You cannot see the mesh itself and every other mesh behind it is occluded by it. Now I upgraded ...
FlyingPolska's user avatar
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How to use NODE_POSITION_VIEW to get the centre of a node in the screen view

All I want is to be able to get the UV coordinate of the centre of a mesh (in this case, to take the colour from). However, in the code below, it gets the UV coordinate of the bottom right corner for ...
epic man's user avatar
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Inspector window error for setting value in Shader graph in Unity URP TextMeshPro

We are currently using TextMeshPro 3.2.0-pre.10 on 2D Unity 2022.3.43f1 and URP 14.0.11. I want to put the Dissolve effect in the URP shader graph of that TextMeshPro, so I worked on it and created a ...
FGO's user avatar
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Is a distance based approach better than a Barycentric based approach to outlining a polygon with many vertices in pixi.js?

I'm trying to apply a fragment shader to a Mesh within pixi.js. The calculation of the geometry of the shape is correct and the application of a shader to change the color of the entire shape works ...
thegraph1csman's user avatar
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I want to add the Unity 2D Dissovle effect, but I'm having trouble

I'm trying to apply the Dissolve effect with the Unity Shader settings, but I'm not getting it applied on the last Combine side, and because of that I can't see it being applied in the scene. I've ...
FGO's user avatar
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How to prevent Phaser 3 shader from moving with camera?

I'm having trouble with a shader in my Phaser game. I've applied the shader as a post pipeline, hoping it would cover the whole screen with a water effect. But when I move my character around, the ...
Javier Villanueva's user avatar
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How is the following anti-aliasing technique called if it even exists and how effective is it?

I've seen a couple takes on aa-techniques and I wanted to see what types of AA there are. I got an idea on an anti aliasing technique but when looking at the existing ones I didn't see anyone doing my ...
Mtreitor's user avatar
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Converting Unity Built In RenderPipeline shader to URP shader

I am working on the Unity Learn 3D Game Kit. But in URP project, shaders are not working as expected. So i have to convert them to URP.Below code is from 3D Game Kit shader. I am not good at shader ...
L T R's user avatar
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Compute shader occlusion test only works with scene camera

Using Unity 2022.3.40f1 and URP. I'm trying to implement occlusion culling with the depth buffer in a compute shader. I don't know what's wrong here but my code only works fine with the scene camera ...
Buttermilch's user avatar
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How do I dispatch a Compute Shader kernel and know which index of the buffer to access inside the function?

I'm new to Compute Shaders so this may seem trivial, but it's a lot to wrap my head around. When calling Dispatch on a Compute Shader we seem to be throwing a work problem at the GPU and letting it ...
Lanefox's user avatar
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WebGL URP materials pink when build but look fine in editor (shader created with Amplify Shader Editor)

My problem is very similar to Unity WebGL ok in editor, pink screen in build but the offered solution does not work. Like in the question, the materials look fine viewed in the Editor but when ...
JAQuent's user avatar
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My DX12 ray tracer is crashing and i can't figure out why

I am trying to code a real-time ray tracer application using DirectX12. I should say that I am almost a complete beginner about graphics programming and have very little idea on what I'm doing (if you ...
HeroOfSkies's user avatar
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Updating a material's property in Edit Mode

I have created a simple color swap shader, and then a material from it. Now, I would like to see the effect in action in Edit Mode. However, I receive the following error: Instantiating material due ...
Ben's user avatar
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How do you manage PSO objects in vulkan

PSO objects in general they take a look of typing code to create, especially vulkan. Very often, we will need slight different versions of the same PSO object. Eg : one with depthTest On and Other ...
icaro amorim's user avatar

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