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Is there an issue with parsing UUIDs for GraphQL requests?

I am trying to make some automatic GraphQL API tests using the Starlette TestClient in Python. My issue is that my GraphQL schema has a query that needs a UUID! as an input, say testQuery(id: UUID!): ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Python requests POST request hangs, when used with websockets library [duplicate]

I'm using the Python requests library to send a POST request, while concurrently maintaining a WebSocket connection with the websockets library: import asyncio import requests import websockets async ...
user23470475's user avatar
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Send list of lists of floats in request body

I have defined the following endpoint using FastAPI: "/my_endpoint", ) async def my_endpoint( my_matrix: list[list[list[float]]], ): print(my_matrix) However, I ...
Aloïs de La Comble's user avatar
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Pydantic model not recognizing multipart POST request in FastAPI [duplicate]

I'm trying to send a POST request a FastAPI endpoint. This request includes both json data and a file. results = f"http://toing_url:{_e('TOING_PORT')}/toing", ...
toing_toing's user avatar
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Why is httpx so much worse than aiohttp when facing high concurrent requests?

In the FastAPI web framework, why is httpx so much worse than aiohttp when facing high concurrent requests? They both reuse the same client instance. test code import uvicorn from fastapi import ...
hui's user avatar
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I can't call a FastAPI POST route using Python's "requests" module, but I'm able to call the same route via cURL command line [duplicate]

Below you can find (the relevant excerpt of) my "server-side" FastAPI code. from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile, HTTPException from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, HTMLResponse, ...
Ferdinando Simonetti's user avatar
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Client can contact server on all ports except 8080

I have a client-server python project. I am using fastapi with uvicorn. When I make a request to the server using the requests library or with postman, I get ConnectionResetError. This only takes ...
Sohan Patil's user avatar
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difference between post and get requests [duplicate]

Why should I use a post request instead of get when I add some info in my database like PostgreSQL. I can just put all necessary data in arguments with get request, like this: @app.get('/...
trp's user avatar
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Python FastAPI multiple method with same route does not work

I am facing trouble with FastAPI when I do multiple method with the same route on a router. When I define with the decorator @router.get("/route/") and"/route/") for ...
KYPcode's user avatar
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Unable to send WhatsApp messages using FastAPI and requests in Python

I am working on a project using FastAPI to handle incoming WhatsApp messages and respond to them. I've set up the webhook, and I can successfully receive messages. However, I'm encountering issues ...
Rishikesh's user avatar
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How to post JSON data that include unicode characters to FastAPI using Python requests?

When a FastAPI endpoint expects a Pydantic model and one is passed with a string it works as expected unless that string contains unicode characters. First I create an example application for FastAPI ...
fMinkel's user avatar
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Error 500 when calling Post method using FastAPI on Vercel

I'm using React on the frontend and Fastapi on the backend from typing import Union from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder from fastapi.middleware.cors ...
Blog Khóa Học's user avatar
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importing requests module throws error in FastAPI application

I'm using Python3.8, creating a FastAPI application and trying to import requests module. This throws error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'" However, in the Python terminal, ...
di_gupt10's user avatar
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reading image bytes in fastAPI

I have a Python fastAPI server with the following post request function. This function should read an image in the form of bytes and use facebook's nougat OCR model to convert the image into text. @...
HankY's user avatar
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Query FastAPI with python requests returns 422 unprocessable entity [duplicate]

I am trying to reach a fastAPI endpoint using the python requests, however, any request always returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity error. I have looked at other similar posts, such as this one, but to ...
JasonFitz's user avatar
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