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Streamlit (python) App button issue: Showing Previous Number After Button Click Instead of New Random Number

I'm building a simple Streamlit app as a demonstration of a larger project I'm working on. The goal is to display a random number between 0-100 and let the user select whether they "like" ...
mas's user avatar
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Why do class methods shadowing names from outer scope in python class method type hints?

For example: In [4]: In [17]: class X: ...: def not_shadow(self, x: list[int]): ...: pass ...: ...: def list(self): ...: list() ...: ...: def ...
Fedor Goncharov's user avatar
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Merge intervals based on condition

This is the classical approach to merge intervals: def merge(intervals: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]: result = [] intervals.sort() prev_interval = intervals[0] for ...
bbasaran's user avatar
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Issue with creating a custom layer in Tensorflow

When I try to create a simple implementation of a custom layer in Tensorflow I get the error: File /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ in __getattr__ ...
tew_evolving's user avatar
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Getting the model source from loaded Pytorch pt2 file

I am trying to debug a pytorch model that has been pretrained and exported as a .pt2 file but I only have access to the inference code that loads the model. Is there any way to recover the class file ...
mantaray's user avatar
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Change the horizantal axis crosses in a python bar chart

I apologize if this is an easy and simple question that has already been answered. I have some data I am trying to chart as a clustered bar graph using a pandas dataframe in python and so far it has ...
A. Gale's user avatar
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CTkComboBox Dropdown Closes Immediately for Large Lists

I'm using CustomTkinter to create a GUI in Python, and I'm facing an issue with the CTkComboBox widget. When I populate the ComboBox with a large list of items, the dropdown menu shows the options, ...
SNC92's user avatar
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I am remaking Roblox in Python what should i add to it? [closed]

The Name of it its Pyblox and its in Development it will have online but How do i make Players show in a server and what i'll add to it. Welp i Tried Adding some stuff but didnt go Well anything you ...
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I have SVG file contain a normal rectangle

I have SVG file containing a normal rectangle <polygon id="REC1" class="cls-1" points="227.02 .25 141.98 .25 141.98 385 227.02 385 227.02 .25"/> my question is how ...
blly Rt's user avatar
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How to best link back predictions to the original observations of a test set using Pandas and sklearn?

I have data in the form below: target feature1 feature 2 feature3 field 1 field 2 field 3 I'm modeling using lasso regression in sklearn.linear_model. Field 1 through Field 3 are dropped before ...
Dr.Data's user avatar
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Why does `ismethod` return False for a method when accessed via the class?

Define a simple method: class Foo: def bar(self): print('bar!') Now use inspect.ismethod: >>> from inspect import ismethod >>> ismethod( False Why is this? Isn'...
kaya3's user avatar
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ftp nlst command runs in Python, but not in Windows Command Line

I have exposed an API via python that connects to my ftp server via ftplib: from ftplib import FTP @app.route('/api/ftp/list', methods=['GET']) def ftp_list(): remote_dir = request.args.get('...
DevelBase2's user avatar
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Selenium headless broke after Chrome update

After updating google chrome this weekend, headless mode using Selenium python API is bringing up a blank window when running in windows. The identical code I had running on a Debian VM does not work ...
user9099944's user avatar
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function to deduplicate data using pyspark partition, windowing and row by coalescing resulting in dropped rows of single element partition

I am trying to deduplicate a dataset based on partitions on a specific key, within that partition I want to take the most recent non-null values of all the other rows. There are a lot of columns so ...
MarMar's user avatar
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Does numpy implement indexed choice function

Here is an indexed choice function def np_ifelse( x: np.ndarray[float] | float, ind: bool | np.ndarray[bool], v1: float, v2: float ) -> float | np.ndarray[float]: if isinstance(...
Aleksejs Fomins's user avatar

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