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Can't set cookies with passport google oauth

I am using Passport's GoogleAuth2.0 to login. I can login successfully but in callback function can't set any cookies. This is my callback function after authentication : exports.googleCallback = (req,...
Yunus Emre Tosun's user avatar
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Google Auth2.0 API rejects with IdentityCredentialError: Error retrieving a token [duplicate]

I'm using Google Auth 2.0 with a React frontend and ExpressJS/Node backend. I am trying to send an email using NodeMailer, but first I have to authenticate the user using the Google Auth 2.0 service. ...
Ethan Sroka's user avatar
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passportjs + googleoauth20 + express-session (valkey store optional) req.user undefined

I'm so tired i spent the whole day trying to fix it but no matter what i do it's not working all i get is undefined PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!! I Uploaded All The code On GitHub
Parag Yadav's user avatar
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Gmail Oauth session in nodejs and nuxtjs

I am creating a NodeJS and NuxtJS displaying emails using Gmail API. But I'm having an issue once I deploy it in production. In my local, it can successfully log in but in production, it is not. I ...
AutoLoadMAX's user avatar
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Handler after press button cancel Login with Google

I have a project with Hapi JS and use Bell for provide Sign in with Oauth Google. In handler for Sign up or Sign in, there problem i found it. If user press Cancel button after choose a account (in ...
Yunian Rezky's user avatar
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Problems with React Native Google Sign-in With Passport in NodeJS API

I have a NodeJS API that handle user authentication with username/password and google. Both work perfect on web browser or postman, but i cant make it work in react native. Here's the code that handle ...
Luciano655's user avatar
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Access new refresh_token for OAuth2 (nodemailer with Gmail API)

I'm using Next.js with typesript and 'googleapis' library for one of my apps and I need to handle Nodemailer with Gmail API. It requires OAuth2 to work. When I setup the 0Auth2 from google cloud ...
Christian's user avatar
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Google API refresh token without user interaction

So I have this code ( it is something i found around google ): function authorize(credentials, callback) { const { client_secret, client_id, redirect_uris } = credentials.installed; const ...
Toma Tomov's user avatar
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Google OAuth 2.0 Consent Screen Issue: Incorrect Consent Screen Displayed for Different Redirect URIs

I have two OAuth consent screens set up in the Google Developer Console. Both created form say [email protected] and [email protected]. Javascript origin for first website is say and for second ...
DIVYASHANT KUMAR's user avatar
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NodeJS fetch is tremendously slow with Google API

I use the fetch-node@2 version, and whenever I try to access the Google API via NodeJS, the response time is tremendously and painfully slow. I'm literally waiting 6-8 seconds to retrieve the data. On ...
AngryJohn's user avatar
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Issue with OAuth Redirect in Electron App Using Nextron Framework in Production

to authenticate and interact with YouTube APIs. The app works perfectly in development mode, but I am facing an issue in production mode regarding the OAuth redirect URI. In development mode, the ...
Muneeb Chaudhry's user avatar
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How to Configure Google Auth Redirect URI for a Node.js Application on AWS EC2?

I'm currently deploying a Node.js application that uses Google OAuth 2.0 for authentication on an AWS EC2 instance. However, when users attempt to log in using Google, they receive an "access ...
ASHWIN C's user avatar
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How to create an oAuth2Client using the @googleapis/oauth2 subpackage

I am trying to move from using the entire googleapis package in my firebase cloud function (nodejs) project to using only the sub packages I need. This is what I have that works currently: const {...
MadMac's user avatar
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Is a Client Secret Required for Google OAuth 2.0 using the PKCE Authorization Flow? Should I Expose the Client Secret Publicly?

I run an open-source app that runs in a macOS environment. What I want to do is implement Google Contacts syncing to it, so I've implemented the OAuth 2.0 "token" (implicit) authorization ...
Zach the Dev's user avatar
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OAuth 2.0 Single Client Configuration for Web and Mobile Applications

I’m currently working on integrating OAuth 2.0 into a web application that allows users to authenticate using their Google accounts. The authentication is handled directly in the frontend of our web ...
N. Doe's user avatar
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