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Microsoft Azure Collective

A collective for developers to engage, share, and learn about Microsoft Azure’s open-source frameworks, languages, and platform. This collective is organized and managed by the Stack Overflow community.
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Azure sql database backup?

I have configured Azure sql database to be backed up. I have a database that resides in Nort Central US and this database is backed up to a different location. How can i find out from Azure the ...
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How to get the abbreviated location code inside Azure ARM template

I'm trying to get the Azure resource's abbreviated location in the ARM template. I find a plenty of examples like the following to set the "location" parameter in the ARM template. "...
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How to get Microsoft Azure hosting a Static Web App to recognize update to codebase in GitHub?

I have a static web app that is hosted on Microsoft Azure. I just updated some of the code in GitHub that Microsoft Azure uses for the web app. When I visit my website, none of the code changes have ...
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Exclude/hide Azure DevOps agent VMSS instances from Defender

We run Microsoft365 Defender for a variety of things, including endpoint and VM scanning. One annoyance we experience is that we can't find an easy way to filter out (or suppress entirely) Defender's ...
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How to scrape Kubernetes Component SLI Metrics

I have an AKS cluster with an OTel collector (image opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.107.0) configured in deployment mode that is correctly sending telemetry to various external stores. I want to ...

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Failed to resolve address for, errorcode: -105 while using Selenium-chromedriver with Powershell

I am using selenium-chromedriver with Powershell to automate a website on two different Windows vurtual machines. On one machine I get this error: [5648:4300:0912/
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How do I display Azure Deployment Center log history in Grafana

We have a set of Grafana dashboards which are connected to our Azure system and we have some useful data showing on these dashboards. However there is 1 selection of data that is eluding me at present,...
2 votes
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Blazor component occasionally does not load and occasionally button presses don't work

I have a standard .NET 6 MVC website. I added some server blazor components that run from a view. Occasionally the component will not load on the page. Pressing refresh or enter on the url fixes ...

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These are the most recent articles in Microsoft Azure Collective
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Knowledge article

Connect to Dynamics CRM with Dataverse from Azure Function

In this blog, we'll connect to Dataverse using an Azure function that utilizes the.Net core 6.2 framework. The prerequisites are listed below. ·        Create a new Dynamics 365 application in Azure. ·...
Muzaffar Ur Rahman's user avatar
1 vote
2 minute read
Knowledge article

AES Encryption and Decryption in Python with Salt and IV in Azure Synapse Notebook

Introduction Encryption is a crucial aspect of data security. This article demonstrates how to perform AES encryption and decryption in Python using the cryptography library, with the inclusion of a ...
Shemeer BK's user avatar
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Knowledge article

What is Microsoft Entra ID and How does Licensing Works?

What is Microsoft Entra ID? Microsoft Entra ID is a service in the cloud that helps your employees log in to and use resources outside your organization. Examples of these resources are Microsoft 365, ...
Akilesh Khoday's user avatar
-4 votes
1 minute read
How-to guide

Create file on Azure file storage using postman

Create a file in Azure FileShare using postman. Pre-Requisite Azure Storage account with a file share Role assignment Storage File Data Privileged Contributor scoped to file share. Get required ...
Tejas Nagchandi's user avatar
2 votes
1 minute read
How-to guide

How to rename the function in the Azure Function Apps

Sometimes, renaming the function classes is required as that represents the meaningful name of the current version and the functionality of that class. There is no inbuilt option for renaming the ...
Jaswitha's user avatar
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