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Grafana alert manager is creating a lot of noise recently [closed]

we have 2 queries from prometheus say "A" and "B" Alert should be firing when the condition ("A" or "B") is satisfied - this is happening But the alert gets ...
Sakthiananthan amirtharaj's user avatar
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Grafana Alerts Custom Message

I have multiple Query in Grafana like A, B, C In my query A, I have this Flux script from(bucket: "monitor") |> range(start: -30m) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"...
Moses01's user avatar
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Configuring Grafana for displaying metrics on the graphic in sertain time

I'm trying to create metrics in the Java / Spring Boot application. I'm using Micrometer + Prometheus + Grafana. The logic is simple: there is a job that periodically runs, and this job downloads a ...
alex_t's user avatar
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Discrepancy between bar chart and pie chart values in Grafana using Elasticsearch data

I'm new to working with data and am currently building a Grafana dashboard using data from Elasticsearch. I have a field called "Letters" that contains values like a, aa, ab, ac, b, ba, bb, ...
Jana's user avatar
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dashboard-solo tag disappeared in Grafana v11.2.0

after loading an exported panel before V11.2.0 the body tag was: <body class="theme-dark app-grafana dashboard-solo"> in V11.2.0 the body tag is: <body class="theme-dark app-...
truijllo's user avatar
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Grafana + PromQL Join two metrics at one query

I am trying to create PromQL query which is representation of two metrics. First metric sum(machine_cpu_cores) Second metric sum(machine_memory_bytes) How to create one PromQL query to achieve that? ...
Dawid Jędrzejczak's user avatar
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Have a user access some values of a variable and not all of them in Grafana?

I have a dashboard in Grafana. I added a variable and it has a lot of values. I want to know if I can hide some of these values from some users. Meaning that some users can only see half of the values ...
Yousef Alsakkaf's user avatar
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Loki is taking too long time to load items in Explorer and on Grafana dashboards

I have been experiencing an issue with Loki as a datasource in Grafana. When I check the explorer page in grafana, it often takes a long time to load filenames, jobs, labels, and other elements. ...
Saksham Paliwal's user avatar
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Status: 500. Message: Get "http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/query_range? EOF (End of File) Loki Grafana

I'm experiencing issues retrieving log data from Loki in my Grafana dashboard. I've configured Loki to collect logs from various instances using Promtail, but I'm encountering an error when trying to ...
Saksham Paliwal's user avatar
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prometheus last_over_time group by not working

increase(sum (last_over_time(llm_completion_tokens_total{cluster=~"cluster1",namespace=~"ns-1",container="service1",model_name="gpt-40-mini"}[$__range]) or ...
niranjan pb's user avatar
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How do I extend an existing Grafana Plugin? (the node graph plugin)

I want to extend the functionality of the Node Graph plugin in Grafana. Using the default plugin as a base to start from. My current approach is to download the folder of the Node Graph plugin and ...
shadowsouled's user avatar
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Can't add Prometheus as DataSource in Grafana, via Minikube

I am using MiniKube 1.31, I decided to follow the initials steps on OpenTelemetry Collector Operator applying the suggested CMD (kubectl apply -f
FourZeroFive's user avatar
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calculate a z-score of rate of a prometheus metric

I would like to detect drops or spikes in Network I/O for a specific Kubernetes Pod, that somehow are to be considered anomalies. I have a Grafana dashboard for this. I ended up with this Z-score ...
TPPZ's user avatar
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How to use ‘instance’ as url for Grafana webhook contact point

We use Prometheus metrics as datasource for Grafana Alerting on a Java/Spring Boot application which consumes Kafka Messages. I’ve created an alert that triggers when the rate of Kafka exceptions is ...
Nol's user avatar
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kube-prometheus-stack only scrapes data from the node it is running on

I'm running an EKS cluster and have installed the kube-prometheus-stack using Helm. but I only see data from the node which kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus running on. Also when I see Get "https:...
Morteza Malekabadi's user avatar

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