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Keycloak validate token

I have only one realm in keycloak with two clients. Users can belong to one of the two, or even both applications. My question is: Is there a way to validate tokens without introspecting the token and ...
Felipe Ferreira Borges's user avatar
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Access Keycloak via node js server

I'm currently in the process of developing a web app, but I have the problem that when the user calls up a certain page, node js(backend) should see all users who are in the client named 'taskflow' ...
Julian Bausch's user avatar
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Keycloak exception: Frame type length exceeds MAX_FRAME_SIZE

I have created a custom keycloak SPI API for some authorization purposes. So, inside this custom API I am calling one keyclaok admin API ({{base_path}}/admin/realms/{{realm_name}}/clients/{{client_id}}...
Prifulnath's user avatar
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Keycloak: Client in non-master realm gets 403 Forbidden when using User Search API

I have a non-master realm in my Keycloak instance which is called camunda-platform (it is deployed with the official Docker Compose configuration file of Camunda 8 Self-Managed). I want to use the ...
okaeiz's user avatar
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Keycloak v19 create flow not creating authenticationExecutions

I was trying to create a new flow and executions with the keycloak API but only the flow is created with execution being empty. The url im using: POST: keycloak-url/auth/admin/realms/realmName/...
ambiguos's user avatar
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Issue with Custom Keycloak REST API

We developed custom RESTful services as a Keycloak SPI following the official Keycloak example provided here. While the APIs are functioning as expected, we’re encountering an issue with the endpoint ...
Naresh Manthena's user avatar
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Keycloak redirect to client after user/owner authentication failing with 404 because 302 wrong redirect url

The setup works only if Keycloak(localhost:8700) and spring boot client(localhost:8180) are in same machine(localhost). when keycloack( is in cloud with iis reverse proxy ...
sam kada's user avatar
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How to Configure Keycloak in .NET for Multiple Clients in a Single Realm?

I'm a beginner with Keycloak and I'm learning how to create a Keycloak authentication server for a .NET application, where I can have multiple clients within a Realm, and these clients may or may not ...
Gabriel Ribeiro's user avatar
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Keycloak Admin REST API getting 404 not found using Postman

I am using Keycloak latest version, where I have created a realm using Standard Flow running on port The admin UI is running as expected on The ...
San Jaisy's user avatar
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KeyCloak - How to configure the Username policy

I am currently required to configure the Username and Password policy from the KeyCloak app. Surely, I could configure the Password Policy, from the Authenticatio -> Password Policy Screen. However,...
J. Abel's user avatar
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Keycloak Token exchange Error - Client is not within the token audience

I'm working on a token-exchange request of keycloak wherein trying to get the access token of client2 while being authenticated with client1. Have enabled token_exchange and admin_fine_grained_authz ...
Vinod Louis's user avatar
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Keycloak added custom endpoint

I use keycloak version 21.1.1, I added new custom endpoint(test endpoint), here link to my sample project - in github I ...
JDev's user avatar
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How can I create a custom grant type in Keycloak?

I'm working on a project where I need to implement a custom grant type in Keycloak to meet specific authentication requirements. I've looked through the Keycloak documentation, but I'm having trouble ...
Shades's user avatar
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How can I get the client-secret of another client by REST API in keycloak 24

I am using keycloak 24/25. I want to query the client-secret of an client by Rest-API. i.e. I use https://<keycloak>/admin/realms/<realm>/clients/63e0cd9f-3993-4a2c-aa75-62f1f23eff40/...
csbrogi's user avatar
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How to add privileges for each role in Keycloak?

I'm going to use Keycloak as an authorization server. The client application has multiple roles, and for each role, there are privileges or permissions. For example, the Manager role has privileges ...
Oth Mane's user avatar

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