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'Authentication Failed' Error using MongoDB OIDC

I am trying to connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster via pymongo using the MongoDB-OIDC authentication method, with Azure as the identity provider. I already setup the Azure provider and connected it to ...
Bhaelar's user avatar
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How to configure Quarkus OIDC to read roles from a custom JWT claim instead of the default "groups" claim?

I am using quarkus:quarkus-oidc and io.quarkus:quarkus-keycloak-authorization with the @RolesAllowed({"APP_ADMIN", ...}) annotation to secure my endpoints. By default, Quarkus OIDC reads ...
JaB's user avatar
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AspNet Core Razor Pages app with Keycloak in docker

I am trying to configure an AspNet Core Web App (Razor Pages) with Keycloak (25.0.5) and Docker. My setup includes (in docker compose file) a postgres container a keycloak container a container for ...
user23137927's user avatar
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How to configure separately running Authetication service with login page while still keeping Keycloak in control of the authorization flow?

I want to implement the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow for confidential clients. Below is the list of parties involved : User : End user person. Client : Third Party Application acting as ...
Dinesh Solanki's user avatar
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Persistent Tokens Issue with OpenIddict and MongoDB in .NET Application

I am working on a .NET application using OpenIddict for authentication and MongoDB for token storage. Despite configuring the application to use reference tokens and setting up data protection with ...
Hiren More's user avatar
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Ping OAuth Token Validation

I am using Ping OAuth authentication for some custom APIs endpoint. We have get token API for external services to get token and make call to our custom API ...
K P's user avatar
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SSO session idle in Keycloak is not refreshed by the activity user

I have app in PHP where I use keycloak to authenticate, after that I have feature which check if access token doesn't expire. If access token expired, another function send request to keykloak to ...
ufo1990's user avatar
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How to extend Google login (oauth2) with custom parameters from the screen? [closed]

I don't know how to solve my problem: there are user attributes (fields) that are supplied by Google itself in the token - mail, name and so on. But this data is not enough and I want to get other ...
Дмитрий Дмитриев's user avatar
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How to map a user attribute to a standard OIDC claim in keycloak

I have a docker container with Keycloak. I am trying to understand how the authentication works, especially with regards to claims mapping. I have created a realm and in Realm Settings > User ...
user23137927's user avatar
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How to response a access_token for spa front? [closed]

I have three services, first is a vue spa app, second is a spring-security which is a oauth-client role, last is a spring-authorization-server. There authentication use oidc authorization_code flow ...
bruce0828's user avatar
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How to authenticate GitHub REST API in Azure on behalf of Azure Pipelines GitHub App?

I am trying to make a GitHub PR from my Azure Pipeline. I already have Azure Pipeline GitHub App installed. That's how my Azure Pipeline connects to the GitHub repository. It already has the ...
Ingun전인건's user avatar
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How to secure OIDC authorisation code flow with PKCE from interception by privileged admin?

I'm really struggling to wrap my head around this. I have a hypothetical flow, which includes 3 entities: The user/browser, AuthServer, client/App. This flow makes use authorisation code flow with ...
Jack Gates's user avatar
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Guidance performing unobtrusive stepup authentication in blazor web (.net8)

Looking for a discussion on how to perform unobtrusive step-up authentication in blazor web (.net8). I'm specifically trying to do this with Duende idp, but I would assume it would apply to all OIDC ...
gilm0079's user avatar
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Getting the ID and Access Token values in Oracle Apex app after passing OpenID connect SSO against 3rd party Identity Provider

I use Oracle Apex 24.1.0. Configured app, web credentials and authentication scheme to use custom 3rd party Identity Server. It works as expected, I see the "Access Tokens" and "ID ...
Sergey Shafiev's user avatar
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hashicorp vault oidc keycloak via squid proxy

Is there a way how to configure that Hashicorp vault connects to keycloak oidc via squid proxy? How can I achieve that ? I tried to connect from vault to keycloak oidc directly but the connection is ...
Mink's user avatar
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