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Mui x-date-picker not working with nextjs14

I'm experiencing an error when trying to pass a function (AdapterDayjs) as a prop to a component in my Next.js application. The error message is: Error: Functions cannot be passed directly to Client ...
Lazybob's user avatar
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Unable to find out the types needed to add to parameter of custom function

I'm using tss-react and MUI package and I'm unable to figure what to set the types for custom function I've written which basically merges all my common styles and the specific styles I want for a ...
Rohan Sharma's user avatar
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How can I center the options from a MUI autocomplete and to wrap them in a border?

I need to center the options from a MUI autocomplete but I tried many ways but still a failure. Also I need to wrap each option in a border. I tried to add it to inputProps and in a style paper ...
mariadev's user avatar
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Is there a way I can use MUI with tailwindcss without setting the preflight to false?

I want to use MUI components on my already setup project with tailwindcss. On default when the preflight is enabled, the MUI components styling conflicts with the tailwind styling and I get weird css ...
NaY's user avatar
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Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@mui/material/Unstable_Grid2'

I am trying to use Grid2 for my React Application . But I am getting this error below: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@mui/material/Unstable_Grid2' I am using MUI v5, and I went through the ...
adarsh's user avatar
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MUI DataGrid select current Rows

in MUI paid version there is a checkboxSelectionVisibleOnly prop. How to achieve the same with the community/free version? I did something similar, but it shows that the lines on the page were ...
jdev's user avatar
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how to enable prev and next button in pagination in material angular

I am experimenting with the material angular pagination where I send the number of data required by the table pagination from backend. For example, I have 7 records, the first page require five data ...
SAFIQUL ISLAM UZZAL 203-15-144's user avatar
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MUI table height

I'm experiencing an issue with MUI-X tables. Ideally, I want to have buttons that, when clicked, generate two tables. However, I've noticed that each time I switch between the tables, the last row ...
robotcoder's user avatar
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How do you access theme palette color channel with TypeScript in Material UI?

I read from the docs you can just do it like below: const theme = createTheme({ cssVariables: true }); console.log(theme.palette.primary.mainChannel); But since I use Material UI with typescript I ...
codeGOBLIN's user avatar
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How to override the color of the title of the toolpad-mui

I am new to UI development and trying to use react/ui/javascript. I am developing a dashboard and using the MUI Toolpad. The default color that the MUI Toolpad takes is the primary color but I want to ...
palkarrohan's user avatar
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How to extend MUI generic types when using forwardRef?

I'm trying to create a wrapper around the MenuItem component that modifies defaults and adds one new prop - testId. If I simply do it this way: export type MyMenuItemProps = MenuItemProps & { ...
szimek's user avatar
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Angular material select not disabled on page load

I am trying to display a parent and child select lists in Angular 18 and Angular material 18. I would like the initial parent to have "Show all" selected which then disables the child select ...
Mad Eddie's user avatar
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Type inference error for meta.error from useField hook

I'm working with a Formik form that uses MUI's autocomplete component. The selected value can either be null or an object. With Yup I'm able to validate the null value using required like so: ...
xoxikow's user avatar
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React MUI Avatar div height defaults to static value (40px)

I have a MUI Avatar element on my page: <Avatar sx={{ width: 180, height: "auto", maxHeight: 180, margin: 2 }} variant="square" alt={""} src={ global....
Black's user avatar
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Overriding Scrollbar Behaviour

I am trying to override scrollbar behaviour . when I apply below code scrollbar is getting visible even if I am not scrolling . Meaning its always visible if there is scrollbar. before apply below css ...
Rishabh Jaiswal's user avatar

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