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How to use posix regexp operator for substring match

I'm trying to move from ILIKE to Postgres ~* operator. Tables have bpchar columns (cannot changed). Tried in Postgres 12 create temp table test ( tasudok char(25), nimetus char (100) ) on commit drop ;...
Andrus's user avatar
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Regarding POSIX ERE's new ? repetition modifier

The 2024 version of POSIX specifies the ? repetition modifier. In the published document, it's specified that the ? modifier changes the behavior of its immediately preceeding repetition from matching ...
DannyNiu's user avatar
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Daylight saving overlap, when casting strings to POSIX in R

I have a file of datetime strings which I read in, with the added information, if it is daylight saving time or not, so for example the format: "2024-10-27 02:30:00 CEST" But this time ...
lucEli's user avatar
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Good way to understand if file has been just created rather than modified in Linux

I need a way to learn if a file has been just created (rather than e.g. modified). I do it like this: const bool isCreated = ((f.atime.tv_sec == f.mtime.tv_sec) && ...
JenyaKh's user avatar
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Attempting to write to disk and check the before and after availability of space using statvfs, but I see no change in blocks available

I am using statvfs to monitor my disk space. I run this program and see no changes in the amount of available blocks within my system, but when I run the df command I am able to see that there's disk ...
Mr.Longbottom's user avatar
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sed - Posix compliant generic multiple insert/appends single command

I'd like to perform multiple inserts/appends in a single sed command that is portable. In GNU sed, I can do something like: sed -e '1i hi' -e '$a bye' <(seq 1 10) I've the found the following works,...
Adam D.'s user avatar
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Repeated short identical parallel jobs

I have an algorithm that requires many parallel reruns of the same code. The code is short and finishes in less than a microsecond. This will be run millions of times which creates some problems when ...
user2908112's user avatar
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Where should a binary file that must be executed by another program be stored on a UNIX system?

I am writing a program that uses a library which requires that my program be called by a driver which initializes the environment etc first. This is done by passing the path of my executable (or just ...
user21749640's user avatar
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Problem with malloc and shared memory in C

I am trying to put shared_pid_data in shared memory. I need to have a dynamic array, so I use malloc, I also tried using calloc getting the same result. The problem I am encountering is that the data ...
MiusiZ's user avatar
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File created with fmemopen has no contents after writing

I have some files on disk that I want to read in and concatenate. I don't want to create a new temporary file on disk. So I decided to use fmemopen to read/write to memory and access it using FILE ...
Nate's user avatar
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comparison operator syntax in posix shell

I'm trying to understand the grammar/syntax of the shell command language (to be able to parse it) and I cannot seem to find where the syntax of the comparison operations is defined. As an example: x=...
Jeffrey Bonde's user avatar
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POSIX or Linux-specific method of connecting a readable file descriptor to a writable file descriptor?

I've got a file descriptor, which might've come from a socket, a pipe, or an actual file, that can be read from. I've got another file descriptor (again, might represent a socket or an actual file) ...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
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How can you force a blocked mq_receive call to give up?

I am trying to upgrade a messaging library from SYSV message queues to POSIX message queues. Unlike with SYSV queues, closing and/or deleting a POSIX message queue that is blocked in mq_receive() ...
Haydentech's user avatar
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Process synchronisation for different processes not working with 2 semaphores [duplicate]

I am trying to learn process synchronization , I am trying semaphore,to print odd and even numbers alternatively using 2 processes , one process will execute odd function and another process will ...
Pramod 's user avatar
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For wrappers around syscalls that retry on EINTR, how many times does retrying make sense?

Often syscalls like write(2), read(2), close(2) et cetera fail due to being interrupted by a signal with the errno value EINTR (say the size of the terminal window changed and SIGWINCH was received), ...
Harith's user avatar
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