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Linkedserver connection to MySQL database with ODBC driver connection issue

I have setup SQL Server 2016 linkedserver to connect to MySQL 8 instance and created stored procedure that insert data from SQL Server database to MySQL database using open query, it works fine when I ...
BinRip's user avatar
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Query outer join fixed values

I would like to query some IDs (fixed values) into a table, like a "outer join" with the mandatory fields should be the fixed values. I have to do the same for SQL Server and MySQL, but with ...
Angel Doza's user avatar
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Connection Pool turns slow at the first call after an inactivity period(15 Mins)

I've set a connection pool with Java and MySQL, also with SQL Server, using 'org.apache.commons.dbcp2'. once the connection pool is connected to the server everything works perfect, the pool responses ...
Erick Mejía's user avatar
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BIG Beginner SQL [closed]

Should I make for '이홍근's student sno count [Search for the number of courses registered by '이홍근] This is my own SELECT COUNT (*) AS Number of courses FROM STUDENT AS S, ENROL AS E WHERE S.SNO = E. SNO ...
조롱이's user avatar
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SQL Server linked Server to MySQL MSDASQL inconsistent metadata

We had SQL Server 2012 and MySQL Server 8.0.35 on ubuntu. We migrated the SQL Server to 2022 (Windows Server 2022). MySQL server still the same. Now when I use linked Server with the MySQL server most ...
halliballi's user avatar
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2012 MSSQL Job Failing to insert into MySQL

We are running 2012 MSSQL and have a number a jobs running to send messages.... They insert into another table into a mysql database. Problem is once in a while the job will fail for absolutely no ...
Scott's user avatar
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can I rely 100% on logical processing to know which objects (columns aliases, tables, etc) I have "available" in subsequent query clauses?

The documentation says that logical processing is used to know what I have available for the next clauses of a query, but later it contradicts itself by saying that the order can change, that confuses ...
jwa's user avatar
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Physical processing vs logical processing - Does the logical query processing change when indexes are involved?

I recommend this book. This book explains in a great way the behavior of a sql query, but my doubt is, How is a sql query processed when there are indexes, that is, would this behavior change? My ...
jwa's user avatar
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C++ MySQL OTL Getting Started. ODBC Configuration & Errors

I'm trying to connect to MySQL database with C++. I have never interfaced with a database with C++ prior to this. My weapon of choice for that is OTL. My test project consists of one OTL header file ...
Ilya's user avatar
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Restore daily MYSQL dump to new SQL Server Database [duplicate]

We have a daily backup restore from MYSQL in the form of a .sql file. I want to move that to the SQL Server or to the Azure SQL database. please suggest the way. Thanks
suhaspaunikar's user avatar
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How to update data in a mysql linked server if another data from it matches the data from the local sql server

I have two tables, both locally: tableA in SQL Server userId, userNo (all nvchar) tableB in linked MySQL userid, userno (all nvchar) I want to update userNo to userno if userId matches userid. And ...
Chloe's user avatar
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SSIS ERROR : The column status returned was: "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type."

I am trying to load data from a MYSQL DB to SQL server DB using SSIS and i am facing a problem where it is giving me the following Error : [OLE DB Destination MyTable [137]] Error: There was an error ...
Eddy's user avatar
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Porting SQLBase by Gupta to another system

We use SQLBase for our development in various versions, including 12.2. Our main application is a Team Developer application (Version 7.5) that utilizes SQLBase as its database. In addition to Team ...
temuco's user avatar
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Using Join on an update query, updating on rows rather than columns

I need a query to achieve second table result, If it is possible, Please describe it in SQL SERVER and MYSQL database I want to update the meta_value of rows where meta_key is bankaccount with the ...
Ebrahim Amini Sharifi's user avatar
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Can't insert into linked MySQL server

I want to insert a new rows into database in MySQL server from SQL Server Management Studio. To make it possible I've created a linked server in SMSS with this guide:
Signor's user avatar
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