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Connect to on prem SQL server from.ADF using client provided certificates

I am trying to connect to on prem SQL server from adf using client provided certificate using SHIR.When I created linked service I gave encrypt as true and trustcertificate as false and linked ...
Azureenthusiast's user avatar
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How to create a table valued parameter and pass it to a stored procedure in Prisma

I am working on translating a legacy codebase to a Node JS stack. Much of the components of the app rely on stored procedures. I have an array of data called entryData that I need to insert using a ...
user7659932's user avatar
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Add custom columns to pivot table

Given two tables like this: Table1 Counterparty Product Deal Date Value foo bar Buy 01/01/24 10.00 foo bar Buy 01/01/24 10.00 foo bar ...
iBeMeltin's user avatar
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Slow linked server (SQL Server to Oracle)

I need to move data from an Oracle database to SQL Server. If I run this very simple directly on the database, I get my results in < 1 second (returns 30K out of 250m rows): select * From my_table ...
Ben's user avatar
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Get start and end of previous month [duplicate]

Using this syntax the results are previous week on run date, I want previous month on run date SELECT @wrkBeginDate = DATEADD(dd,-(DATEPART(dw,GetDate())+6), GetDate()), @wrkEndDate = DATEADD(...
Ivet Hernandez's user avatar
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SSL routine error: wrong version number when connecting to SQL Server with pyOpenSSL

I have a proxy that communicates with SQL Server. Using Twister, I connect to SQL Server with reactor.connectTCP(Config.serverAddr, Config.serverPort, factory) where serverPort is 1433 class ...
Sylvia Onwukwe's user avatar
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What is algorithm for incremental load with least downtime? [closed]

For full loads I stage the data for all tables, and then finally in a transaction perform a table switch to switch the staging and main tables. For incremental load however, I stage last 7 days of ...
variable's user avatar
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SQL server 2022 errors on windows 11 [closed]

I'm trying install SQL Server 2022 on windows 11 and I get this error: The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server. This is either because of a semantic error such as an incompatibility ...
Androider's user avatar
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SQL Server Standard Mode On-Premises Gateway Connection Error

I am encountering an error while attempting to connect to SQL Server Standard Edition through the on-premises data gateway. The issue seems to be related to the configuration or connection in Standard ...
Pavan's user avatar
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SQL Query Speed_g [closed]

I have SQL that fetch date from multiple table using inner join and return 100000 records , now first time on form I need 100 records then 2nd time need next 100 records. how do we fetch this , can ...
Gaurav Sharma's user avatar
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Add a value on their SESSION_CONTEXT for all sys.dm_exec_sessions

When consulting sys.dm_exec_sessions is it possible to attach them their session_context? I have a backend with a pool of 100 connections. When a connection is assigned to a new incoming request I ...
Marc Guillot's user avatar
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Frequent Statistics updates in SQL Server 2022 Enterprise Edition [migrated]

We recently migrated our database from SQL Server 2014 to SQL Server 2022 Enterprise Edition. After migration we observed few stored procedures started timing out frequently. The main symptom we ...
Jaffer Mumtaz's user avatar
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Connection string ignores userId and pwd provided and logins with the Windows authentication user

In the .net core I'm having a connection string something like this, Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TestDB;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;User Id=AdminUser;Password=Admin;Integrated Security=...
Karan Parmar's user avatar
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Issue with MAX(RunDateTime) in Union Query for Retrieving Most Recent Report Runtime

I have a query that I’m trying to use to retrieve the most recent runtime of reports launched from our app. The query is designed to fetch the report name, the most recent runtime (RunDateTime), and ...
JPM's user avatar
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How to construct a SQL query with Datepart function [closed]

I have the following SQL Query DECLARE @Year as int; SET @Year = 2023; DECLARE @ShippingDateTime Datetime DECLARE @ShippingYear AS INT DECLARE @SQL as varchar(200) SET @ShippingDateTime = '12/31/' ...
user466663's user avatar

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