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View controller design in three js [closed]

I have to make an oribtal controller cube but unable to proceed further. So basically I am using react for development and deployment of my app and I want a scene controller cube by using the side,...
Megha Sharma's user avatar
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How to render threejs AR applications like VR

I created threejs application , embedded VR button , now the scene is rendered with stereoscopic images. I deployed the application and accessed same on my mobile , inserted my mobile into google ...
suresh kumar's user avatar
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Three JS | Synchronize perspective camera position while switching between OrbitControls and DeviceOrientationControls

In my application ( React JS ) I'm switching between orbit controls and device orientation controls import { DeviceOrientationControls, OrbitControls } from '@react-three/drei'; ... const [...
Arm's user avatar
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Error importing troika-three-text with importmap

I'm trying to get the troika-three-text into my Three.js script by importing it via the html, as shown below: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset=&...
Davi Barreira's user avatar
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What’s the difference between linear depth, perspective depth, and orthographic depth?

Studying the code of three.webgpu.js, I come across the terms "linear depth", "perspective depth", and "orthographic depth". I know there is a visual difference between ...
Pershing's user avatar
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cannot import GLTFLoader in threejs

VS code not allowing to type the import GLTFloader statement. GLTF loader is installed in the same folder where the javascript file exists. I am a beginner here.Please help me if you can. import { ...
roan's user avatar
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Why my 3d model keeps placing text not in the middle of y coordinates but a little below it?

I’ve spent two days going back and forth, and it’s still the same. The text engraving depth varies on my curved 3D ring model—one side of the letter is deep, while the other side is not. I’m trying to ...
Aurelijus Sankauskas's user avatar
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OrbitControls in ThreeJS not working with import map

I'm trying to get a simple ThreeJs with OrbitControls for pan and zoom. I was able to get a working example with an older version (128), but I'm having trouble with the newer r168. In the example, I'm ...
Davi Barreira's user avatar
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How to find the collision between two object in three js, without using the bounding box

I have loaded a 3-D car model which is much similar to a 3D rectangle, But I can't find the exact collision. when the car turns, the bounding box size is increasing because of its cubic nature.So even ...
Sudharsan K's user avatar
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Framer Motion preventing UI update upon re-filtering of objects

When changing a filter on an object array, the UI will never return to a higher quantity of objects after displaying a lower quantity. The array/filter functions correctly. I've deduced this to the ...
rtnlsltn's user avatar
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Three.js on CodePen with PLYLoader

I am preparing a CodePen for a question about Three.js's PLYLoader. Unfortunately I cannot get the CodePen working, no matter how I include Three.js I keep geting the error "Three is not defined&...
Robert Wildling's user avatar
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How do I make a mesh with an EdgesGeometry always on top but still make the outline behind the mesh hidden?

How to make the box on the right? I used depthTest false on the box and its outline to make it always on top of other mesh but the outline is now ignoring the box depth. Here is the sample code the ...
Jackson's user avatar
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Replica website special effects animation [closed]

I have a technical question and I want to ask you how to replicate the animation effects of this website. Website: enter link description here Requirement: The animation effects of switching videos ...
lee's user avatar
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3D object not showing in the 3D space - jsartoolkit5

this is my first question, so I hope to do everything as intended. I'm currently trying to learn a little bit about augmented reality using web apps and I'm trying to do some basic stuff. I'm trying ...
Andrea Nodari's user avatar
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Web based subtraction methods for 3D STL models but how?

I'm trying to subtract an imported STL model's volume from another imported STL model. Finally, I'm wondering to achieve a gap on base model's volume according to the 3D location of other model. In ...
Levent Aydın's user avatar

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