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If alpha is 0, RBG is 0 even with premultipyAlpha to false

I have a 3D model with a RGBA texture where the alpha value should be ignored (I must use those alpha values differently for some reflections effects). PNG specs say : colors are not premultiplied by ...
Sufhal's user avatar
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webgl: geometry texture missing after gl.bindTexture

there is a textured cube in my scene, and it renders well untill i draw a quad, then cube tuxture is gone, here is the render flow: // draw the texture cube gl.render(scene, camera); // draw a ...
21k's user avatar
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How to smoothly fade 2 textures without alpha in GLSL?

I'm doing a shader to apply dynamic textures on a terrain chunk generated with ThreeJS. The tilemap is used to define where each textures is supposed to take place. E.g. The tile used: Here's the ...
Sufhal's user avatar
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Split up R, G and B channels of texture – apply linear filtering to a subset of them in Three.js/WebGL/Shaders

I am working with a height texture that is retrieved from a server. It encodes the overall height value per pixel within the RGB channels. To get a height value per pixel, the R channel is multiplied ...
Georg Molzer's user avatar
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three.js distortion, color replacement on glb (gltf) models. Blue changes to green, and yellow changes to orange

Distortion, color replacement on glb (gltf) models. Blue changes to green, and yellow changes to orange. v106 three.js v97 GLTFLoader.js
Dzmitry Haiduk's user avatar
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Threejs - Best way to render image texture only in a portion of the mesh

I have the .obj of a T-Shirt, it contains a few meshes and materials and I'm coloring it using a CanvasTexture fed by an inline svg. Now I should add a logo at a specific location (more or less above ...
39otrebla's user avatar
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Geometry instancing with one shader but multiple textures

I'd like to add a second crate texture to the shader using the shader/technique provided with this example: I figured I could ...
sky's user avatar
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Point cloud texture alpha blending (THREEJS)

I use ShaderMaterial to create point cloud with attribute based size and opacity. I also need to texture map. The problem is that texture is rendered without transparency. Looks like each texture ...
SalientBrain's user avatar
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Two Textures on one Object Three js

My goal is to render two different textures on one object. I'm trying to render the earth with a night texture and a day texture, similar to this: . The problem is that I'd ...
Mattia's user avatar
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Three js texture edge pixels being stretched

I'm trying to display a texture within a sphere where the sphere is acting as a mask. I have my texture correctly displayed but I can't get my head around how to remove the edge pixels that are being ...
The Sloth's user avatar
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How can I use an array texture in threeJS?

Is there a way to send an array texture from ThreeJS to my shader? I know one example using Data2DTextureArray, but I would like to send an image.
FvEldijk's user avatar
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Three.js custom shader not displaying

I recently started learning about shaders and three.js. I tried to display a shader with a texture but it displays all black. Here's the codepen: These are my ...
LDB95's user avatar
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We are developing a kind of 3D graph. We are using Angular with Three-full NPM ( We are implementing the Nodes as particles and we are drawing them with shaders. ...
D. Martínez's user avatar
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How to use alpha map textures with ShaderMaterial in Three.js?

I have a png image (16x16) that I want to use as an alpha map texture, in a custom material THREE.ShaderMaterial. This is the image: This is the setup for my preloaded Texture object: alphaMap....
taseenb's user avatar
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texture Coordination in simple 2d world (THREE.Points) without UV

I want to load an image in THREE.Points and I'm using bufferGeometry without uv attribute and shaderMaterial can anyone explain me what is vu and why I need it? I have a 2d world (all points have z=0 ...
mh-alahdadian's user avatar

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