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Distinct for jsonb_path_query_array

Have some trouble with jsonb_path_query_array in pgsql. Is there a way to distinct values inside arrays? I have something like this select jsonb_path_query_array(public.table.column, '$.Idents.type' ) ...
Stanislav Muryndin's user avatar
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How can I marshal a struct into JSON where one string field is streamed from an io.Reader containing raw text?

I have a structure like: { Foo int `json:"foo"` BigString io.Reader `json:"bigString"` // I want this to be encoded as a JSON string } And I would like to Marshal this into ...
pamphlet's user avatar
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Is there a way to apply modifiers inside an array in gjson?

The library tidwall/gjson allows me to parse json string and apply modifiers on it (a custom function on the value) but I dont see a way to apply a modifier on a value inside an array of structs. ...
egjlmn1's user avatar
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How to validate and format large JSON files efficiently? [closed]

I'm working with very large JSON files (up to a few MBs in size) and need a tool or method to validate and format them efficiently. Most online JSON tools I've tried tend to crash or are too slow when ...
Rahul Mahale's user avatar
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"Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk'\nRequire stack:\n- /var/task/index.js\n- /var/runtime/index.mjs" despite me adding a dependency to the sdk

I have upgraded my nodejs runtime on my lamdba function today from 10x (very outdated I realise) to 18x and I am getting the following error: "Error: Cannot find module 'aws-sdk'\nRequire stack:\...
FrontPageRob's user avatar
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Jolt tranformation: how to check for null or empty value in array and if empty populate with another value

I have three scenarios: Scenario 1: When Fee1 has a value and Fee2 is "", output attribute FinalFee should have Fee1 value Scenario 2: When Fee1 is "" and Fee2 has a value, output ...
shobika r's user avatar
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How to read Json data in C using cJson library?

I have written the following program: #include <stdio.h> #include <cJSON.h> int main(){ cJSON *jsoninput = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(jsoninput, "...
bangingmyheadontable's user avatar
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Make fields required in referenced schema for a specific parent

I've following schema where both "software" and "tool" under "metadata" references the same "component" subschema. "component" has "name" ...
Ravi Trivedi's user avatar
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Modify JSON file with PowerShell (WIndows Terminal settings) [duplicate]

I want to edit Windows Terminal settings file (JSON) I would like to change the default profile to have a defined font. By default, the Font key and the Face subkey do not exist in profiles.defaults &...
scribe's user avatar
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Lazily loading large strings from a JSON file in Rust

I have a large JSON file containing a medium number of very large strings and I don't want to store it all in memory at once. Is it possible to use serde-json (or similar) to load it, except for these ...
Timmmm's user avatar
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RuntimeError: no validator found for <class ''>, see `arbitrary_types_allowed` in Config

I am getting RuntimeError: no validator found for <class ''>, see arbitrary_types_allowed in Config even after to installing import yaml from ...
arpita halder's user avatar
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Creating new attributes based on content of another attribute

I am trying to adapt the following JSON with jolt [ { "id": "abc", "colour": "black | orange | anthracite", "material": "polyester |...
Katja Bürger's user avatar
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Json serialize and deserialize protobuf generated types

I have some objects that are generated from protobuf and at some point these types need to be serialized and deserialized into JSON. The issue I have is we have a map field in the protobuf which is ...
Birdalicious's user avatar
-5 votes
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Javascript fetching code instead of name within Django [closed]

This is a javascript that I have found in github, this is the link for it. The problem is that when I used the ph-address-selector.js, it works but instead of fetching the "display name", it ...
sleepy's user avatar
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Issue with POST API: No Response When Sending JSON Payload [closed]

const createError = require('http-errors'); const express = require('express'); const path = require('path'); const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); const logger = require('morgan'); const ...
Muhammad Younas Qayyum's user avatar

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