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Angular textarea does not update data on time but the console shows it correctly

I use service to emit and receive data. When the send button is clicked it emits data and shows "FENEmitInfo" then receives the data and shows "FENSocketioGetCnt" and &...
user9427453's user avatar
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ui-select filtering only one field

I'm working on an AngularJS application and I'm using ui-select to allow users to select multiple roles and tabs. The filtering works perfectly for the tabs, but for some reason, it's not working for ...
Kristijan Nikoloski's user avatar
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Does child component re-render or re-initialize in Angular?

I am new to Angular(14) and i am facing a issue. when i update a property of parent component which is an array then the child component get re-initialize(ngOnInit function is running). Facing this ...
Alok Shaw's user avatar
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how to reinitial media stream that stopped before?

I wanted to disappear the red recorder indicator so I used service.$html5AudioProps.mediaStream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop()); In my stop recording method but then when I start record ...
ilia khosravi's user avatar
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How to convert base64format to the word document preview in angular [closed]

Does in angular do we have any library ? i was looking for some examples but i didn't found any. I have found a library ngx-doc-viewer it has a url but i have base64 which i need to transform to word ...
ck-s's user avatar
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AngularJS: Unable to Display Found Items in Search Functionality

I'm working on an AngularJS project where I have implemented a search functionality to filter menu items based on a user-entered search term. However, I'm encountering an issue where the found items ...
Ibrahim Gidi's user avatar
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Large Data Set in ng-multiselect-dropdown

I am using ng-multiselect-dropdown in my angular project. There is a table in which each entry will have ng-multiselect-dropdown. And each dropdown will have 2k entries approx and table itself can ...
404NotFound's user avatar
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Angular write a common function for multiple selected options

Can you sugguest how to common function for both two selected option by event $scope.selectionOpt = function($event){ alert($; } <form> <...
jvk's user avatar
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Why the ng-pristine class in AngularJS form always returns true

Why the ng-pristine class in AngularJS form always returns true. enter a value in the input field and click the button, it does not return false, it returns true. test.html <div ng-app="...
김영민's user avatar
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Angular.js directive does not work for uib-tooltip

I am struggeling with uib-tooltip. I would like to add there 'tooltip-popup-delav' using a directive. export function UibTooltipDelay(): ng.IDirective { 'ngInject'; return { restrict: 'A', link: ...
aKa's user avatar
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CanActivateFn get hit but same appcomponent get hit too. standalone. angular

My environment as ng 17.1.13, node 19.9.0, npm 9.6.3. Standalone application. My app.routes.ts import { Routes } from '@angular/router'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { ...
Deviid's user avatar
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ng-click does not modify array

I have a problem with an old AngularJS APP where I have to manage selection. basically I am trying to modify the array of selectedItems with ng-click but it does not react to changes to the array, it ...
Izabela O's user avatar
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AngularJs textAngular taMaxText, ctrl.$validators return undefined

I try to use textAngular taMaxText attribute, in my jsp, the code is <div text-angular ta-target-toolbars="toolbar2" ng-model="inpt.msgCntnText" name = "test" ta-max-...
user1169587's user avatar
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how to perform action on double click on a button using Angular JS

Using this I am checking for a right click on my button. How can I check for a double click on my button? app.directive('rightClick', function ($parse, $mdMenu) { return function (scope, element, ...
M Junaid's user avatar
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How to populate dropdown with its previous value?

We have a dropdown which had 3 values, out of which one value is removed now, so two values are left for the user to select now. But if the user searches an item which has that value in the dropdown ...
Vishal Gandotra's user avatar

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