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How to get dynamic rendering in Angular?

Previously, I used to get a build with angular universal as npm run build:ssr. Later, it was requested that each index be accessible separately. I got a build with npm run prerender. Unfortunately, ...
user27023959's user avatar
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Issue Passing Data to Angular Component - Some Input Properties are Undefined in One Instance data passed using Input-Output

I have an Angular component where I am passing multiple input properties and binding methods for event handling as shown below: <component [x]="x" [y]="y" [z]="z"...
AMIT's user avatar
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How to fix $injector:unpr Unknown Provider in AngularJS

I have an AngularJS application with ASP.NET. When I publish the application, and host in on local IIS, I get this error. In Web.config, in compilation tag when I set debug="true" the ...
Vladimir99's user avatar
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ngx-mat-timepicker is not giving same style, I don't know how to add theme styling

I'm following this article: I'm getting different type of styling, the circle around the clock is missing and buttons on click ...
Joy Dimitris's user avatar
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URI malformed issue from @angular-devkit's dependency library Vite

Just created new angular application (version - 17.3.9) using command ng new url-test-app then start application using command - npm start Now I navigate to http://localhost:4200 . It works fine Then ...
user1606761's user avatar
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How to provide Parameters to controller via $stateprovider.controllerProvider?

I have a custom router where I provide a specific templateUrl and controller via templateProvider and controllerProvider. $stateProvider .state('viewProduct', { url: '/product/id', ...
user3822558's user avatar
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Getting ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): NullInjectorError: No provider for eF, when I hit the route whose component uses the service

I am getting NullInjectorError error when I am trying to use a service in my angular app. Below are my app.module.ts, admin.service.ts, angular.json(I have made a few changes to the default configs ...
Prabhat Bhargav's user avatar
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Pagination Navigation Not Displaying All Pages in React Component

I am working on a React component that fetches NFT data and displays it in a paginated table. However, I'm having trouble with the pagination navigation. Specifically, I want to show all available ...
Ahmad Arslan's user avatar
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Angular build process hangs at "Building..." and doesn't create dist folder

I am developing a system using Angular CLI: 17.3.9 and Node: 18.13.0. After finishing the development, when I run the command, ng build or ng build --verbose or ng run build the build process ...
lksim mithila's user avatar
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landscape screen orientation lock in angular [closed]

i want my web application to be in a landscape always. tried using CSS and cordova-plugin didnt work. screenOrientation.lock() didnt work. CSS is not the best way to do it. i want to lock the screen ...
kamavaramsudharshan's user avatar
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ui-select Multiple Dropdown Search Input Spinner Not Showing

I am working with an AngularJS project, where I upgraded the library from ui-select2 to ui-select. After the upgrade, I'm having issues with the search input spinner not showing for multiple select ...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
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SurveyJs with QuillJS and custom module counter

I implemented SurveyJS Creator with QuillJS in Angular following the documentation, and everything was working fine. Then, I decided to add a custom module to the Rich Text to count the number of ...
Marco_C's user avatar
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How to maintain query params when redirecting in Angular RoutingModule with redirectTo?

Summary I want to redirect in my Angular RoutingModule from one path to another while maintaining the query params. However, when the redirect completes, the query params are not present anymore. The ...
times29's user avatar
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Angular ng build transpile TypeScript outside of app folders?

My hobby site that I'm trying to migrate to Angular has a bunch of standalone JS code (ESM modules) in it that is just sat in the default public assets directory, and as such it's automatically copied ...
Alnitak's user avatar
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Acquire token silent using MSAL v1 not working in my ANGULAR JS application

I am working on ANGULAR JS application with MSAL v1, how can i achieve to get token using acquire token silent ,in my enterprise system third party cookies are blocked in chrome i tried using MSAL v2 ...
Bhumika G C's user avatar

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