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Shuffling a list based on specific requirements [closed]

I am building an online language experiment using JavaScript. As a beginner-level javaScript learner, I am having difficulties shuffling a list based on specific requirements and sampling items from ...
Qingyan Wang's user avatar
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1 answer

How to fetch object data from Modal Input to Homepage with Array Function for making Contact List?

I am new in this field, want to learn coding in React native to develop Mobile App. I want to develop one Contact List with React Native In Home page I put one (+) button to toggle / opening of the ...
Prasenjit's user avatar
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Java KeyEvent and ArrayList Issue

I am writing code for a personal project that takes data from a CSV file, and passes it to an editable JCombobox that then displays names of airports. Having done that - I want to write the quality of ...
Michael Mathews's user avatar
-2 votes
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Instantiation of ArrayList works fine in one class but is null in another [duplicate]

I'm at my wits end here. I have created an ArrayList method in one class public static ArrayList<Area> areas() { ArrayList<Area> areas = new ArrayList<Area>(); //...
General Kipicus's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

How to sort an ArrayList of Objects by their ArrayList<Integer> values?

Suppose object has ArrayList<Integer> and an ArrayList of those objects needed to be sorted by their ArrayList<Integer> values so that, first index of the Integer ArrayList takes most ...
user16393738's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I check if the next element in ArrayList is empty or exists?

I have a 2D ArrayList for which I want to print out the names with commas if they're in the same row except for the last one. To do this I would need to check if the element before the one I am ...
Mihailo's user avatar
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In Cloverdx, trying to store fields and then use them to validate the data

In Cloverdx, I have data like this Now I want to store the field names and their data types in a list/variable and then check if the values under field name i.e., if value is Auto Complete and data ...
Ehtasham Zamurad's user avatar
2 votes
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Collection API remove method implementation

I have had a look at the Java Collection API. The Collection interface defines the remove method as follows: public interface Collection<E> { // other methods boolean add(E e); ...
Mohamed Nasser's user avatar
1 vote
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Alternatives to ArrayList<Double> for primitive types in Java for numerical computation

My question is: What are the best practices to avoid the mentioned overhead? I don't understand why my question was closed with the reason: 'This question needs to be more focused.' I am currently ...
maplemaple's user avatar
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How to sort two inner index ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>? [duplicate]

How to sort ArrayLists with two values, so that first value will have higher priority and second lower. ArrayList<> myArrayList = new ArrayList<>; for(i = 0; i <4; i++) { ArrayList&...
user16393738's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is a fast way to count how many times a given value is present in an ArrayList?

ArrayList<Integer> myArrayList = new ArrayList<>; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { myArrayList.add(i); } myArrayList.add(2); myArrayList.add(2); myArrayList.add(3); //arryaylist ...
user16393738's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to handle the Formarray in the Nested array in Angular

enter image description here I need to render the Dynamic fields in the Angular. But, that one is solved. Then what the issue is when i render the Nested Array or a Group it's not rendering properly. ...
Baskaran Skillmine's user avatar
0 votes
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How to Pass ArrayList of Custom Objects Between Activities in Kotlin on Android Studio

I'm working on an Android project in Kotlin where I store user information in a custom object. I need to pass an ArrayList<CustomObject> from one activity to another and display the stored ...
Ahmad Louis's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add an ArrayList in a Superclass using Getters and Setters from a subclass

Here is the super class: public abstract class ImperialCluster implements Serializable,Clusterable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String clusterType; ...
Tomas Gutierrez's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to filter objects from list based on uniqueness of object property?

I have a list of Person objects. Each Person object has an int id property, along with some others. Currently my list of Person objects has multiple objects with the same id. I want to filter the list ...
Kevin2566's user avatar
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