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Using CMD commands inside Java not working

Code in Question public static String runCode(String code) { String ret=""; try { Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(code); ...
Faith Creed's user avatar
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Efficiently creating a directory structure with cmd.exe

I have to create a directory structure using cmd.exe. Here is a screenshot of the steps I've already made. I now need to copy all directories in "january" into several other 'month' ...
Kristīne Vinogradova's user avatar
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Do you really need to enclose a path in quotation marks in modern cmd?

(Just in case, my OS is Windows 10.) I can't seem to figure out why anyone would want to put quotation marks around a path: the path is "interpreted" properly when they are absent, so they ...
antivaxxer's user avatar
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CMD challenge for begginers [closed]

I'm building a training program in operating systems and searching for a cmd.exe challenge for begginers that will teach many commands, use of flags etc. Something like move, copy,mkdir as a start and ...
טל ב.'s user avatar
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Using processbuilder in java to run a python script there requires an input after being initialized [duplicate]

I am very new to coding and i am studying at the university. As a fun side quest to my studies i am trying to make a simple notebook application in java that uses Open AI's Whisper to transcribe an ...
Elias's user avatar
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Batch Script Fails to Execute Commands and Log Properly [migrated]

This script is designed to automate the process of running an executable for a specified time, ensuring that it’s not already running, and properly managing its execution and termination, with ...
Khaled Amin's user avatar
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Using rmdir in a FOR loop to delete subdirectories in user/appdata/local/temp [migrated]

I perform maintenance on several windows 10 VMs. One of the tasks is to clear out the user/temp folders. I discovered I could use for /F "tokens=*" %a in ('dir /ad/b') do cmd /c del /s/f/q &...
USS RAM's user avatar
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Execute a command for all subfolders in a specific folder?

Let's say I have a main folder called C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\MAIN. Inside of MAIN are 3 subfolders each with different names containing a random assortment of .jpg, .mp4, and .txt files. Example: C:...
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cmd code . opens Cursor instead VSCode, how can I change path to VSCode?

I used to open VSCode with code . in the command shell but since I installed Cursor AI, it will be opened instead of VSCode. How can I revert this change? I have Windows 10. I checked the path with ...
Haidepzai's user avatar
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How do I check if the terminal setting is set to Windows Console Host or Windows Terminal in Batch [closed]

So in the Windows 11 settings, you can find a terminal option which has Windows Terminal by default and Windows Console Host. To put it simply, Windows Terminal is the Windows 11 CMD and Windows ...
renex himself's user avatar
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VSCode Python Subprocess Popen Not Operating

I want to create code that checks the status of the Windows Spooler service through Python, and automatically activates it if it is turned off. However, commands that normally work in a Command Prompt ...
amuronamibab's user avatar
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Move file with en-dash using for loop (cmd.exe)

I have file (including en-dash in name): "C:\folder1\backup – Todoist.html" And I run this command via cmd.exe in Windows 10: for /f "delims=|" %a in ('dir "C:\folder1" /...
Jiří Poláček's user avatar
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Cannot execute shell command on Microsoft IIS

When my Django application is hosted on IIS, this fragment of code doesn't work. def convert_to_pdf(input_file, output_file): wordfile = input_file command = ["soffice", "--...
Eliel Luwala's user avatar
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2 answers

Batch Rename and Move Files with CMD

I wonder if someone can help me with running some code as a batch file with CMD. I have a list of files in a directory, that i wish to replace the filename e.g. "Myprefix-" with "...
Emma's user avatar
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Perl script invokes command prompt but does not execute the command [closed]

I have this perl script which contains some cmd commands to call other perl scripts. This script works fine on some systems but does not work on others. Can anyone please provide some insight into why ...
kshitij Sabale's user avatar

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