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Copying a range of values from row 1 to 250 in increment of 250 till the end

I am new to writing VBA codes. I'm trying to copy a range of values from range B1 to 250 and paste into another sheet and repeat from range B251 in increment of 250, until the last row. But cant ...
Kuan Yoke Gei's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

how to prevent this list from being updated? [duplicate]

my program: num_cards=8 list1=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] shuffle_cards=list1 for j in range(0,num_cards//2): shuffle_cards.insert((2*j)+1,shuffle_cards[(num_cards//2)+(2*j)]) shuffle_cards=shuffle_cards[0:...
Anirudh SV's user avatar
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Creating test for date columns incorrectly throwing error

I want to run a test to verify that all date columns in a df are in the 'ymd' order. I'm using the code below (data given at the end) date_stop = function(df_date, date_order){ #get only date ...
James's user avatar
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OpenMP deadlock when it has a omp for loop insed a normal loop

Simple problem, when I try to run the following code I have a deadlock. #include <omp.h> #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_KEY 1000 int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int i, k; ...
João Batista Fernandes's user avatar
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Remove SPEI message in a loop

An example of SPEI calculation: library(SPEI) library(lmomco) library(zoo) library(ggplot2) library(lubridate) years <- 1961:1965 months <- 1:12 time <- seq(as.Date("1961/1/1"), as....
idontreallyknowhehe's user avatar
-3 votes
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For loop not writing images [closed]

I'm attempting to write a for loop that opens each image in a folder, processes it, and then outputs it back into the same folder. The problem is, when I run the script, nothing happens. I just see ...'s user avatar
-9 votes
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Java nested loops execution process [closed]

public void deploy() { while (true) { if (isFrontClear() && !isBoundary()) { move(); System.out.println("basic ...
durendal's user avatar
-4 votes
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how to do cpu comparison between for and while loop in python [closed]

I was working to create program for seeing CPU consumption while running loops but I am not getting appropriate results. I tried to check it from youtube, chatgpt and consulted various employees and ...
Rishabh Joshi's user avatar
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Execute a command for all subfolders in a specific folder?

Let's say I have a main folder called C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\MAIN. Inside of MAIN are 3 subfolders each with different names containing a random assortment of .jpg, .mp4, and .txt files. Example: C:...
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4 answers

Increase speed of two for loops in Python

I have a double for loop in a Python code. I want to increase the execution speed, but the matrix is built using data from the previous row and column. How can I achieve this? import numpy as np ...
Vinicius B. de S. Moreira's user avatar
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Changing the Class of Multiple Dataframes' Columns with For Loop in R [duplicate]

I have many dataframes imported from csv files, all having one similar column name: ActivityHour. Its class was imported as character, but I want to change it to date and time with the lubridate ...
John's user avatar
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Efficiently create a checkerboard pattern of asterisks [closed]

Question: Am I being the most efficient with this for loop, or would a While loop or other type of looping work better here? I get the following output: a checkboard size two by two. I'm expecting the ...
H. Cahill's user avatar
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why is my program not giving any results? [closed]

so, i have made a program to check if a number is armstrong or not. it takes the input but does not give any answer. the console doesnt even say "press enter to continue" and instead gets ...
user27325669's user avatar
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Move file with en-dash using for loop (cmd.exe)

I have file (including en-dash in name): "C:\folder1\backup – Todoist.html" And I run this command via cmd.exe in Windows 10: for /f "delims=|" %a in ('dir "C:\folder1" /...
Jiří Poláček's user avatar
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Why is my code not running in my for await function [closed]

So I am calling this function from a useEffect hook in React Native, the issue is within the function as the function contains a for await loop. The console.log outside the function works but all of ...
theLearner245's user avatar

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