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Dojo: all xhr / ajax calls seem to be synchronous and block other calls

I am working on a CRM we inherited. Long story short - there is a button that calls a php script which should run in background and we don't need to wait for response. request(idata+'...
Varin's user avatar
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Update page problem with Javascript CSJS code and AJAX

I have a XPage with a button. The code associated to the button is CSJS and first it have to update the innerHTML into a DIV, then it calls a XAgent that return a result. It doesn't work correctly ...
Claudio's user avatar
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How do I make a request using dojo.xhrGet() with Basic Authentication?

I'm trying to make a dojo xhrGet request using basic authentication but I keep getting 403 forbidden error. I can make the request with curl from the command line, so I know my credentials are valid. ...
roms's user avatar
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Call hierarchy of async functions inside a loop?

There's a async call I'm making that queries a database on a service, but this service has a limit of how many it can output at once, so I need to check if it hit its limit through the result it sends ...
Mojimi's user avatar
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Display an image using dojo programmatically

I'm trying to display an image using dojo programmatically. I've tried "dijit/Dialog" and "dojox/image/Lightbox". When I use the Dialog the image dialog displays some characters instead of image. ...
coder247's user avatar
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Dojo - on button click - syntax error

Three questions: 1) Is there any way to make this code more neater? Mainly to avoid so much nesting and quotes within quotes issues? 2) Any advice on parsing error below. I tested some code ...
NealWalters's user avatar
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How can I have multiple promises manipulate the same DOM element as a side effect with consistent results?

I have the following Dojo 1.9 code that loads 2 tables asynchronously (some names changed): function loadPanel1() { // set 'Loading Tool' status ...
Nzall's user avatar
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How to run the code sequentially using Deferred?

Inside of this for-loop, I hope to force it to run the AJAX code block first. With the result (i.e. data.LocationId), I want to save that on the server, and then run the loop with i decreasing. If ...
Atlas Guo's user avatar
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Why is my my rest url called twice?

My javascript code looks like below : function copysave(){{ form:dojo.byId("formId"), method: "POST", //handleAs: "html", encoding : "utf-8", url :"/...
P H's user avatar
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Server side for dojo-based+Qt5 application

I'm studing dojo to create web applications. The HTTP server will be a Windows machine with IIS. On the same machine will run my own Qt5 application to provide all backend logic for the web pages. I'...
Mark's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest cannot load. Request header field password is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

I receive the following error message when doing an ajax request XMLHttpRequest cannot load. Request header field password is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response. I am ...
GibboK's user avatar
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Request header field If-None-Match is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

I am receiving the following error when posting to a REST API using dojo/store/JsonRest. I am using "X-Requested-With": null in order to avoid preflight request but I still receive this error. ...
GibboK's user avatar
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Sending multipart form using Dojo xhr with both json and file upload

I've tried to get this working but did not find any soluion. The closest to my problem is this one - Composing multipart/form-data with a different Content-Type on each parts with Javascript (or ...
Chlebik's user avatar
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Resource url in a dojo call not mapping to annotated class in controller

I have an issue with resource mapping. My controller- @ResourceMapping("AccountConfirm") public void suspendServiceRequest(ResourceRequest request,ResourceResponse response, @ModelAttribute ...
PearlDrops's user avatar
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How to set s:file value to form content

How can I get the <s:file /> value set to form content using Dojo ? <s:file id="fileUpload" name="upload"/> <script> var fileUpload = dojo.byId("fileUpload"); content[...
1097733's user avatar
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