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Dom element ignoring the text inside Angular brackets <>

I have a dijit/form/ComboBox which have a store with following value: The issue is that in this dropdown the values are coming up as blank instead of the names as in the data store("","...
gshivam63's user avatar
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Passing data from dojo screen to react screen

We are in the process of migrating screens from dojo to React. There is one instance however where i open a new window in React when a checkbox is checked on dojo screen. My question is how am i ...
silentone's user avatar
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Could somebody explain to me what exactly is happening in the Dojo's ''dojo/on" module?

I started fiddling around with Dojo.js and came across a thing I don't understand. I'm trying to create my own widget. The widget would be really simple - it would just query all images on the page ...
Peter Bosák's user avatar
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using Dojo to programmaticaly add a list of images and add a click event for each of them

I am loading a list of images and adding a click event to each of them using Dojo so when user clicks an image, the ID for that image gets displayed. Please see codes below. Images were loaded, but ...
Don W.'s user avatar
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How to remove dojo widgets by registered by id, but not referenced in any DOM node

Context: I am working on an application which has now been converted to a single page application. There are many widgets in the application and a lot of them have been assigned id, so that they are ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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How to change the button type attribute in Dojo Framework

Currently i am developing application using Dojo framework. I want When i will click on Install button the attribute of that button should be change from type = "button" to type = "submit" using ...
Rushikesh jogle's user avatar
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Population of div with Textbox, removes the other div from a table cell

I am dynamically adding rows/cells in an HTML table. In one such cell, i want to have a text box and some suggestion text just below the text box. For this I tried following - //Insert a new row at ...
newlangcoder's user avatar
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call regular asp from javascript in other domain

I have used dojo/dom from a javascript file before to call a php file on another domain that handles some database queries and returns the result to the javascript file. The call to the php file ...
Alan's user avatar
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Refreshing Dojo MVC Groups on model change doesn't work for complex objects

As shown below, I have a dummy memory store which returns a complex object. I would like to bind this complex object to the form. Because it's a complex object, I am binding the object through two MVC ...
Ariod's user avatar
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HTML: Any likely scenarios where document.ready might not fire?

In my case I'm using dojo on IE8, but this is a general question. What might be the cause of document.ready not firing? My code looks like this: require(["dojo/ready"], function (ready) { alert(...
Corey Alix's user avatar
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Child Node attributes changes after store.put in IE8 only

I am using dojo 1.9. Functionality: I am populating data in observable dgrid store based on continuous polling call. There is a functionality of expansion of row, in which some data( termed as child ...
rocktopus's user avatar
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Trigger click event manually in Dojo CheckBox

In my application, I have this code: postCreate: function(){ // ... // Change the listWidget's order depending on whether the checkbox is // ticked or not self.extraWidget.orderByNameWidget....
Merc's user avatar
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Dojo query cannot find div

I am kind of new to Dojo and I have a weird problem using it. My goal is to show some search results. So I build a store, query it and display the results by adding a new div for each result: var ...
iza's user avatar
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Dojo: Dijit loses selection after cloning their <div> containers

As a Dojo newbie, I am trying to create a simple wizard of pages using a plain JS array as a stack that I push and pop the cloned main content DOM node onto and off (without using the StackContainer) ...
paranoma53's user avatar
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Using Sizzle in Dojo

I've seen some questions (replace dojo.query with Sizzle?) regarding using Sizzle as a selector engine in dojo, and know it's possible, but can't seem to find any tutorials or information on how to go ...
streetlight's user avatar
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