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How to dynamically retrieve the content text of a HTML tag and its child tags?

I would like to know how to dynamically retrieve the content text of a HTML tag and its child tags? Here is my HTML code, for example: <p><code>C:\<select> <option ...
Antoine Hazebrouck's user avatar
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Uncaught Could not find Livewire component in DOM tree

Im using dragablejs to make a list of goals for an OGSM maker, and for that I take the information from dragable and use it in my livewire comonent to update every goal's listorder attribute. But I ...
Bas's user avatar
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How to trigger SVG render same as manual DOM edit in Chrome using JS?

When I modify the DOM structure of an SVG element within an HTML document in Chrome via JS (specifically using replaceWith or appendChild to bring in new content), although the Chrome Elements tree ...
Adam Fuller's user avatar
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When inserting scripts to innerHTML, scripts with DOMContentLoaded are not executed

I made a script that takes the text of a html file and inserts it into another html file; I did this so I don't need to update my header and sidebar on every page if I make a change. the script works ...
auroradynia's user avatar
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Javascript html table get clicked cell value and column(th) ID

i am trying to get a clicked Table Cell value and corresponding Column ID ( i need in the $msg the following. Clicked Cell Value (easy ( Get the cellIndex from the cell (td) (...
Daniel Chen's user avatar
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Pass class function as function parameter JS [duplicate]

I have defined following function: function handleMessageDot(fun) {'hidden'); } Now I want to use one of those: handleMessageDot(add), handleMessageDot(remove). I get ...
mgar's user avatar
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How to export draggable components to HTML using Interact.js in a web builder? [closed]

I'm working on a web builder where users can drag and drop components to create a web layout. For the drag-and-drop functionality, I’m using interact.js to manage interactions. However, I’m facing ...
Aditya Madhab Borah's user avatar
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Web: Infinite Scrolling: Virtualization or not?

Is virtualization of infinite scroll for long lists on websites still necessary from a performance standpoint assuming clients use browsers on current mobile devices? Is it dependent on the client-...
c-antin's user avatar
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Div textcontent inconsistently returning string

I am simply querying a web page for specific text to save to local storage and use within Chrome extension pop-up. contentscript.js – Code I inject to webpage function findworkspaceName() { let ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Chrome extension - Not finding any DOM element [duplicate]

For this Chrome extension, any DOM element I try to retrieve comes back as null. I've tried a few different websites and tried retrieving DOM elements through ID, class, and name. Below is the latest ...
stumped's user avatar
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The Dialog is not showing

I'm on Library Project. The new book button is for adding books, and when i try adding another book, it duplicates. So I added container.textContent = ''; on my display function to remove ...
Potatostudies's user avatar
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Updating Dynamic changes to fetching Data

I am stuck at the moment. I created the funcitonanilty to control how often data is is fetched using calculation of milliseconds to seconds,munutes and hours, which seems to be working fine. The issue ...
MrJnrDev's user avatar
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By what rule does it say I can reconstruct the DOM? [closed]

I am involved in a project such that, let's say we are given a DOM fragment, it actually represents what the CMS generated to render into a component. So we can take this fragment, find the 3 children ...
Stefanie Gauss's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 Carousel will not autoplay after page load

This standard Bootstrap 5 carousel code... <div id="carouselExampleSlidesOnly" class="carousel slide" data-bs-ride="carousel"> <div class="carousel-inner&...
Cymro's user avatar
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How render data in child component with repeater in Laravel

I have a parent and child component in a Laravel app and would like to render a TextInput for each element in the array. However, I'm having trouble passing data from the parent to the child. It ...
matt's user avatar
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